Am using “mess” in a positivize and a negative sense – this is a bit confusing maybe.
In the pro mess sense, it’s a celebrating of human creativity and diversity, this is messy and it’s not a problem, it’s a solution.
In the negative sense its agenst the NGO crew who won’t everything to be in order
Of course the is a 3ed veritable – who the mess works for – this is mostly unspoken – it’s an idealogical view, pick the one you like. We are pushing anarchy in the messy sense of “from chaos comes order” it’s up to the people to make “order” from their local mess – we scale this vie federation with the codebase.
The #deathcult ists like mess see the is an example.
Looking at mess as something very human that we need in moderation so we can choose to create “order” without this mess we can’t be truly human.