ActivityPub and Mastodon from a #closedweb prospective

A #closedweb Critique The Critique From an #openweb and #4opens perspective, the critique highlights a different mindset that is clearly incompatible with the current path. But yes, there are questions about the balance between openness and security. Let’s not get lost in the #geekproblem and look at them: Design for Abuse Critique: The assertion that…

#mainstreaming counter-cultures

The #mainstreaming of counter-cultures, like #openweb, #Fediverse, and #Mastodon, touch on ongoing issues in #openweb culture and community sustainability. It should come as no surprise that we need action to hold together the culture, values and integrity of #openweb digital spaces: Mainstreaming of Counter-Cultures Normalization and Dilution of Values: As counter-cultures like the #openweb and…

What names to use?

The term #openweb refers to an internet ecosystem characterized by decentralized, interoperable, and community-driven platforms and protocols. It emphasizes #4opens principles of openness, inclusivity, and user control over data and online experiences. The “openweb” contrasts with the #dotcons centralized and proprietary nature, the mainstream internet platforms, thus offering an alternative vision for the future of…

The signal to noise issue of our #geekproblem

#Mastodon and the wider #fedivers are native #openweb project based on the #4opens people who try to “harden” and “secure” these are completely missing where the value is at. They are spreading #FUD and endangering real activists acting this way. Media is “open” using #ActivertyPub. Anything that is not media should use encrypted p2p chat,…

A project outline for the OGB

Project description The Open Governance Body (#OGB) project is a set of software tools that encode a governance model structured on traditional grassroots activism. Further, the OGB – for which the code base is named – is a decentralized and democratic system for “governance” of any collective/community consisting of (generally speaking) #1 – Producers and…

Libertarian #Fediverse “cats”

This story is about a group of libertarian #Fediverse “cats” who convinced one of the largest and most bureaucratic institutions, the European Union, to embrace decentralized and #openweb technologies. Through outreach efforts, EU-sponsored events and advocating to policy-makers, they raised awareness of the benefits of decentralized models of the internet and the positive impact this…