Published Date 12/23/14 7:52 PM Lets look at how we acturly organise. Garssroots alternative streams (and mainstream river with more complexity) can be split into a number of streams * The horizontals * The verticals In the horizontals the organising is actually pretty opaque – lets look at the tributary’s Organic consensus – this is…
Art money and socierty some notes
Published Date 12/11/14 5:53 PM Went to a workshop at spacestudios on digital money and the arts. Here are my notes of the things I thought about/covered. Forms of money * LETS – works for liberals (the Brixton pound is a current example, at the meeting) * Digital – works for the Geeks then Capital…
Where are we an example of what works
Published Date 11/21/14 4:44 PM An example of what works. At Balcome the anti-fracking camp last summer we built a “visible affinity group” to do the power and tech for the camp. This was successful in providing working off grid energy for the camp of more than 200 people for 2 months. However it wasn’t…
Were are we
Published Date 11/21/14 3:20 PM Its important to understand the perspective/world view am coming from to understand what am saying about the state of the alternative. Anarchist/socialist/libertarian/liberal leaning on the start and tapering off the end… am reacting against Hierarchical/conservative/authoritarian. This is a classic enlightenment divide so we should all be well aware of living…
My Media
Published Date 11/17/14 3:29 PM I live in a functioning contemporary P2P media world. For a few weeks I have tried going back to the traditional media. Its an eye opener to (re)realise how narrow and right wing the progressive traditional media is. I live in a world of RSS aggregation for my “newspaper”, podcasts…
Importing goods from China
Published Date 11/1/14 6:27 PM [embedded content] Am thinking about seting up an import and installation business for small wind turbines from China to put onto boats and power protest camps. At the moment the majority of small scale power generation is from fossil fuels, this is both unpleasant and needless. Solar power in the…
Stupid individualism and the possibility of an alternative
Published Date 10/27/14 12:52 AM Stupid individualism and the visionOntv templates. Our templates for video journalism are designed to radically simplify and empower normal people to make coherent video news pieces using the tools they largely already have. They are successful at this if people fallow the template’s – it says this at the end…
The poverty of the alternative
Published Date 10/17/14 1:24 PM Was looking at this site/project here is a reaction: The tools we use for activism are dominated by top down vertical thinking – the horizontal tools are left at the bottom of the tool box when we reach for a digital front for our grassroots campaigning. Our organising mirrors…
Journalists generally don t understand what journalism is
Published Date 9/25/14 11:39 AM DRAFT Journalists generally don’t understand what journalism is especially amongst the trainee and starting journalists. For many enthusiastic youngsters it is heroic individualism finding and telling the story and of course this is part of journalism but it’s a just a part. What they often miss is that news is…