It should be obverse even to our more liberal friends that we’re facing a period of intensifying class conflict, but It’s sadly not this simple, the class on our side is largely absent or disorganized. This lack of effective class consciousness among potential allies leads to a divided and weakened resistance, making efforts to push…
Who’s responsible #Climatechaos?
DRAFT – needs more work The CEO of a large oil company made a statement about climate change, suggesting that consumers are to blame for the slow progress in addressing the issue. According to him, the companies have the technology to produce lower-carbon fuels, but consumers are unwilling to pay the premium for these greener…
Why We Need the Open Media Network (#OMN)
The Challenge of Mainstream Media #Mainstreaming media is dominated by establishment interests that have perfected the art of propaganda. This media landscape is highly effective at brainwashing the public, making it difficult to foster a social and political change and challenge. Without altering this media ecology, progressive movements stand little chance against the overwhelming influence…
Why do people keep doing pointless self harm – news aggreation
There are hundreds (over the last 20 years likely thousands) of news, aggregation sites. It’s a common #dotcons model to inclose the “commons” people see free content and think I can capture that. The problem is news content looks like it’s free, but that’s because it’s “free” to spread, but it’s VERY expensive in human…
Let’s talk about the hashtag story
Hey, changemakers! Are you tired of shouting into the void on social media? Frustrated with the endless noise and the lack of impact? It’s time to harness the power of #hashtags to fuel a movement that can actually make a difference. And guess what? The #openweb is our playground for this revolution! Check out The…
Let’s talk about the journalism
How do we move the #indymediaback project forward. let’s start with history. The editorial workflow of #OMN is based on #indymediaback which is based on basic grassroots journalism growing from radical anarchist traditions. The newswire is made up of original content published to the site and aggregated flows from a trust network of #4opens sites…
What do you mean by “mainstreaming”
Q. what do you mean by “mainstreaming”. A. we all worship the #deathcult (neo-liberalism) in polatics, economics, most of the food we eat, our jobs and social lives are all mediated/mostly created by this invisible world-view. In progressive terms #mainstreaming is pushing this agender to build carriears and social structures to further the personal #stupidindividualism…
The senate “insurrection” and the media
We are seeing a stinking mess of shit posting from the left and the right on the role of tech big and small in the senate “insurrection” . The voice of the centre right #traditionalmedia will push us back to the #dotcons gatekeepers they have started to criticized over the last 10 years. The opening…
Talking about rebooting openweb media
Its too easey to talk cross purpose about actavisam, media and tech if the is any understaning at all most are talking about the end of indymedia and what came after, am talking about the start of indymedia and what came before. A simple misunderstanding that is surprising hard to bridge. There are now millions…
Brixet and the Labour Party -Why the media is full of lies
You do understand that almost all #traditionalmedia coverage of #brixet and the labour party is a right meme the labour party have a solid policy on this subject, that is not explained, thus the right wing meme issue. Please check sources before spreading media #openweb I think meme is actually a good way of describing…
Building alt/grassroots media networks to challenge and widen the traditional media
Our current groups doing alt/grassroots media are too limited in their idea of what media could/should be in this the is either a naivety or a dishonesty. The most successful act and think they can be #traditionalmedia” without controlling the distribution of their content in any meaningful way. This is of course not unusual, the…