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Current messy thinking

Pushing defederation from #meta is not wrong in sentiment, the #dotcons are vile and cons. But is wrong from a practical sense, the #Fediverse and #ActivityPub are #openweb based on you do not have technical tools for stopping the #dotcons as the data in the end is in the open, unencrypted, in the database, in #RSS and in open flows.

These people are fighting for the #closedweb on a “native” #openweb platform. This makes no sense at all, incoherences everywhere, the is a lot of this mess over the last 40 years.


Meta and the mess

#FOSS governance is based on #feudalism  the thing you learn from history is to never trust a king.

#meta and the messy path we are going down, Libertarian cats are completely pointless at this stage of mess, anyone got a plan?

#OGB #OMN #indymediaback