Definitions, that might help

This is from the view of progressive, grassroots and Alt media in the UK: Silo, definition: Closed data systems hoarding information. Impact: Data vanishes when projects end, diminishing the effectiveness of alternative media. Most alt/grassroots media projects are silos, capturing data without open licensing for reuse. Portal, definition: Attempts to be the dominant site, locking…

This was the thinking of the #OMN project ten years ago

This was the thinking of the #OMN project ten years ago: The proposed project is to reboot basic web tools and turn existing silos and portals into a network where data flows between different sites. The technology used will be #RSS and its lesser-known counterparts, allowing sites to link to each other and content to…

A look at the recent history of radical grassroots activism

#ClimateCamp was a radical grassroots direct action movement to directly challenge #climatechaos and raise awareness about climate change and advocate for solutions to mitigate its effects. The movement was made up of a loosely organized network of activists who used a diversity of tactics to achieve their goals. Climate Camps were established in many countries.…

outreaching ActivityPub to the EU – draft

This was an interesting process playing a role to do the document – outreaching ActivityPub to the EU Good to get an outcome from this: #activertypub as a cross-platform standard for #dotcons who operate in EU funding to further this – we would need democratic structures in the #fedivers style to make this real…

Lets build a real world example base on the OMN tools set- a indymeda instance/network.

Looking at this very simply they are two pools of data – trusted and moderated – the trusted data is displayed on the site and flows out from the site as feeds. – the moderated is displayed on a back end moderation/draft feed the mods of the site get to decide what to do with…