Building alt/grassroots media networks to challenge and widen the traditional media

Our current groups doing alt/grassroots media are too limited in their idea of what media could/should be in this the is either a naivety or a dishonesty. The most successful act and think they can be #traditionalmedia” without controlling the distribution of their content in any meaningful way. This is of course not unusual, the…

Offering a real alternative to the dotcons world

Published Date 10/17/17 4:59 PM This is a quite #reboot of the #openweb going on. This #4opens project has nearly 1 million users It’s one of the use it or lose it moments for life outside #failbook. It would be a bad time for progressive funders to start to prop up the #dotcons world…

Open letter to 4 alt grasssroots media groups about the openweb

Published Date 6/27/17 5:15 PM DRAFT (please comment) Building up alt/grassroots media would be nice to get a reply 🙂 NovaraMedia The Canary Reel Media Real News Hi guys, Good to get a reply about this project from you. OMN is a network of Open Media Sites. Its a push to #reboot the openweb that…


Published Date 4/18/17 11:53 AM I have been talking about the fashernisatas for the last few years, its an idea/group that I have been struggling to work with my whole time in the alt/grassroots. So what is a #fahernista?  A group of individuals who value/push there own individual advancement over the needs of the croup…

Human beings are by nature social creatures we link

“The Ring slowly but inevitably corrupted its bearer, regardless of the bearer’s initial intent. For this reason the Wise, including Gandalf, Elrond, and Galadriel, refused to wield it themselves, but determined instead that it should be destroyed. The corrupting power of the ring was apparently stronger on individuals more inclined to evil and selfishness: it…