The current “debate” about AI is a distraction #KISS

The debate over AI’s energy consumption is one piece of a larger mess about technological in the face of current existential risks. Yes, #AI’s energy demands are a huge #dotcons waste, but focusing only on this is distracting us from a more #4opens discussions about the underlying ideology and assumptions driving the #geekproblenm technological paths—an…

A case study of upgrading a boat battery system

DRAFT #Renogy is not the best but OK they are a #dotcons so have lots of coupons and discounts think this is 10% off, there should be more, it’s a one shop. Could try a more “native” path of but not as simple, though good if doing the solar panels as well. The…

The West’s Climate-Catastrophe is “native” to the mess we are in

Why do we still worship the #DeathCult? As we stand on the precipice of onrushing #climatechaos and spreading social break down, it should be clear that much of the world remains on the path of what we usefully call the DeathCult—a term to describe the pervasive, destructive ideology that prioritizes power, wealth, and control over…

Trust in Mutual Aid Networks

Mutual aid is a tool for building resilience and solidarity, that works best within networks of trust. For mutual aid to function, there needs to be a foundation of relationships where people “know” each other. This isn’t just familiarity—it’s about understanding the needs, values, and dynamics of the community involved. The Role of Trust Networks,…

The “fluffy” need to enforce incitement laws

On the subject of the far right rioting, it should be obverse that the rampaging, violent inadequates we see in today’s society are not the root of the problem. Rather, they are weapons wielded by high-profile figures like Trump, Farage, and Robinson to achieve their own ends. The ignition issue is with, the want to…

Money and Power: The Poison We Need to Overcome

Money and the selfish pushing of power, under capitalisam are poison, to create a healthier society, we need to build structures without these toxic elements at the centre. The #OMN (Open Media Network) is an initiative aimed at building this change. The mess we have now the enchantment of illegitimate power, the majority of people…

The insanity of #mainstreaming

When I call #mainstreaming people insane, I genuinely mean it. Common sense has become an illness born from 40 years of worshipping the #deathcult, leaving little actual “sense” in society. This is a critical issue we urgently need to address to combat #climatechaos and the pervasive #geekproblem. Living in the #deathcult, limits our power to…

The Urgent Need for a Paradigm Shift

For the last 40 years, we’ve been entrenched in a system that pushes economic efficiency, shown by the rich getting richer while the poor get poorer. This mess has been touted as the ideal, leading to an “efficient” economic structure that, in reality, has been a disaster of environmental destruction and social disintegration. It’s well…

More Than Just a Difference of Opinion

In today’s #mainstreaming political mess, the issue of #climatechange is sometimes seen as a matter of differing opinions. However, we need to be honest to recognize that climate denial, particularly among #mainstreaming people, is not a simple case of holding an alternative viewpoint; it’s a deliberate spread of misinformation. The Reality of Climate Change we…

The Political Landscape of Social Media: We need Change

In the mess of today’s #dotcons news media, social media platforms have become the primary arenas for public discourse and political engagement. However, the political leanings of these platforms significantly influence the nature of the discussions that takes place. Here’s an overview of the political ground on which some of the major social media platforms…

Understanding the Hashtags: A Guide

In activism of the #openweb hashtags serve as tools to share complex ideas and social movements. On my blog, I use a hashtag story to highlight both the positive and negative aspects of our current socio-political and technological paths. Here’s a breakdown of what some of these hashtags mean: #deathcult: The pervasive influence of neoliberalism,…

Post-Modernism Influence on Social Movements

Leaving the fig leave of dead philosophies covering #liberalism and #neoliberalism, gives cover to continue ideological works, this mess masks and hides insidious agendas. By removing these fig leaves, we can see, understand and dismantle the mechanisms of power they obscure. I have talked about this, a lot, let’s try one more time. The lingering…