We face a digital cliff the open internet may be over

Published Date 2/11/16 5:30 PM The is no consensus on this, here are two views on this subject: We have Phil Windley who thinks the open internet was a historical fluke http://www.windley.com/archives/2016/02/decentralization_is_hard_maybe_too_hard.shtml here he is talking about the very real view that the internet is finished, that the commons have been enclosed by the #dotcons…

A big socerty community center the Hive Dalston

Published Date 2/6/16 5:05 PM The Hive Dalston – big society community centre a product of voluntarism and activist fashion with dose of hipster. Started out as an exciting project between radical (free party/activist) squatters and a more mainstream arts groups. The idea was to take up and use the Tory “big society” legalisation that…

Looking back looking foward Village Hall or Church Hall

Published Date 2/1/16 6:52 PM Am writing this for people who are actively leave the mainstream 9-5 society and move into disrepute subcultures to live their  lifes. Issues of group organisation crop up reugally and are generally badly resolved leading to a consistent life sapping churning of bad will and trails of failed groups. For…

Student Loans

Published Date 1/22/16 6:16 PM Update The lone has timed out so it is written off. Just to be clear what the root of the issue I have with them. They repeatedly failed to implement a basic change to my account, to synchronise the lone deferment dates, they agreed to do this (repeatedly recorded in…