Our citys under Capitalism #deathcult

Next 20 years you are looking at shifting the economy to a wartime footing to deal with climate change. State Socialism is an outcome, horrific fascism another. I don’t think there is a role for liberal democracy for the next few generations. Currently we have none of the technology infrastructure for a tech utopia. Green solutions do not scale to human social levels, ecological political views are not likely to have a good “social” effect on the mega cities.

Which means Extinction for the big cities… am not sure people will allow that to happen. Likely to get messy, thus it’s inevitable that we have some form or war economy – fascist/socialist etc. The idea of small experiments is a good one but it wont work for 90% of the city people. Still good to support that as a side stream.

The city’s are just going to fail, they are building 1 million new homes in london, most near water. The new super sewage system along the Thames will be flooded and destroyed, the power stations are mainly at water level. A city of this scale which is even now expanding without basic infrastructure is asking for disaster.

Capitalism is now a #deathcult what does 21 century war economy look like?

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