This is a draft
The fluffy/spiky debate. #XR is well on the fluffy side, not a bad thing. Your seeing noise from the confused spiky side of the tribe.
Fluffy/spiky is not a moral judgment is a respect for diversity. Think #XR was fab, what comes next.
They are doing it badly and without expirence from a spiky point of view, much like #XR is doing social change. Though its good that someone is doing it 🙂

I wish the spiky/anarchists would slow down the flow of piss on #XR and do something useful themselves, its a bad look pissing on social change from outside. As far as i can see activism has been a fuckup since ocuppy etc. Past time the spikeys did something other than talk, says the man sailing away on a lifeboat

Now keep it focused


Best not to point links at the conspiracy loons, post screen captures if you need to. Don’t feed the trolls #XR

The plan to get people to post good fluff/spiky outreach videos to celebrate/connect activist history to the current #XR groups is not working, the image is of the viewing figures for the last 48hours, just 12 views for one of the videos. If you want to help make this move…/anarchists-please-stop-the-sni…/