It should be obverse even to our more liberal friends that we’re facing a period of intensifying class conflict, but It’s sadly not this simple, the class on our side is largely absent or disorganized. This lack of effective class consciousness among potential allies leads to a divided and weakened resistance, making efforts to push against power structures ineffective.
There is a dangerous #deathcult mentality from the last 40 years that has deep roots in the stubborn refusal to address basic issues and a persistent repetition of failed strategies. This mentality is dragging us into negative outcomes, and is both disheartening and damaging.
The challenge is that we are fighting against a system that pits everyone against each other. The broader population lacks class awareness, making it difficult to unite to fight back. However, despite the increasingly hardened nature of this conflict, the situation is brittle. If we could focus and target the cracks, we can compost the current mess and move to a different path.
On the old path, the #traditionalmedia remains a strong tool for social control, reinforcing existing power dynamics and narratives to push the status quo. More open to activist focus is the “soft, fluffy cores” of the #dotcons, the next generation after #Facebook and #Google. These are starting points because they have significant leverage over public opinion and digital life. By targeting these, we have a chance to pull on levers that matter and that can actually lead to change.
If we can create focus, instead of dissipating energy on ineffective A-to-B marches, media stunts, or petitions that appeal to the mainstream narrative, we can concentrate on actions that affect the structures we wish to challenge. In this path #Stupidindividualism is a useful lens for understanding our current situation of blind hatreds and hidden fears. If we can shift from this disjointed, ineffective path, we may be able to step to a direction that allows us to rebuild solidarity and create real change.
One step forward can be found through initiatives like #OMN (Open Media Network) which is built to challenge the current information monopoly and foster a truly open, people-centered web.