Training video livestream local meetings

Published Date 1/27/16 7:49 PM

I have my doubts with this would be effective but it has the potential if you could get groups of people to actually use the technology consistently and setup the online infrastructure to back it up then I think actually might/could have an effect.

Using mobile phone with an external microphone and mini tripod the meeting would have to take place in a circle around a small coffee table. The microphone would be connected to the phone by an adaptor then a long cable. This would act as a talking stick which might improve the meeting process anyway 😉

The microphone acting as a talking stick would go round the circle. The camera mobile phone in the centre could be turned to face the person talking if that person wanted to be on camera.

With permanent online inbeds and an video list archive it could actually be quite interesting.

Optional: People could join the meeting virtually however this would be harder to manage for various reasons, audio feedback ect.

That said it’s a lot of work for probably possable little outcome. If it was done well and people stick to it, might have an effect as it could expand your outreach and create a lot of online content.

Upsell: Would give a constant overview of the network and link diffrent groups.

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