#climatechaos, in twenty years, the global trajectory faces a grim reality, #geoengineering will have been attempted, driven by the need to stave off #climatecollapse while maintaining the capitalist path for the privileged. However, its effectiveness is questionable. Geoengineering operates on the linear logic of immediate technological fixes, while our climate’s complexity is non-linear and unpredictable. History already shows us unintended consequences from small-scale projects—scaling this up is akin to “the butterfly effect” on a colossal scale, with potential to worsen the current catastrophic mess.
Yes, wealthier segments might shield themselves better, accessing dwindling resources, while the majority face harsh impacts. Social divides will deepen as flooding, heatwaves, and storms intensify, and resources become scarcer. Meanwhile, the systemic #blocking of an anti-capitalist movement holds back the needed radical shift, despite our obvious evidence of human adaptability, creativity, and resilience.

This uncertain reinforces that geoengineering is a temporary measure at best. Without shifting away from capitalist consumption, we repeat the cycles of hasty, inadequate fixes that worsen catastrophic global and local outcomes. If adaptation and ingenuity, common in human nature, can be shifted toward systemic change, we avoid more destructive paths and lay a foundation for humanistic paths.
Don’t be this mess, please.