The activist problem of failbook

Published Date 4/27/13 9:32 PM

Almost all of Activism is organized on one corporate network and its run by this man

“Mark Zuckerberg’s new political group, which bills itself as a bipartisan entity dedicated to passing immigration reform, has spent considerable resources on ads advocating a host of anti-environmental causes — including driling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and constructing the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.” 

its the magnitude of the failure of the alternatives that is at issue – for many people the web is facebook – this is now true for almost all activist online organising. The man who controls facebook is an elitist tosspot right winger and controls all this activist organising. What other tools do we have?


Couple of points: FB is a trap, that has been sponge to close the open internet – to take us back to the days of mediated media and communication. The reach is not huge (just do a search to find out how your messages are already filtered) its actually very small for any message that does not further facebook’s advertising/money making plans. Yes, it has revolutionised activism and it has enclosed it and pushed aside all alternatives… inclose and privatises then exploit… its an old story. Facebook like all dotcoms is likely to fail, but it has shifted the web towards closer and the next round of corporate social networking will consolidate this shift. With the open web (and digitization project) we have a once in a century opportunity to reshape our society, we are fucking this up big time

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