Julia Carver is a DPhil candidate in International Relations at the University of Oxford and Nuffield College. Her work explores cyber-foreign policymaking and strategic thinking in the current era of great power competition, particularly the relationship between digital infrastructure, capacity building, and strategic advantage. In 2021, she founded the Changing Character of War Centre’s Cyber Strategy and Information Operations Working Group, and she currently holds a stipendiary lectureship in Politics at Magdalen College (#Oxford). Her research is jointly funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and Nuffield College.

These people are the wannabe technocrats in training and waiting on the sides. In this event, we have the assumption that we need to push back our internet to before the #openweb took over the world and economic growth for the last 20 years. All they talk is about control locked down “national” intranets, ie what we had before the #openweb, a lossy circle we should not keep going round if we can help ourselves.
In all the sectors there is a split between open and closed. These events are the “common sense” of the closed.
Fear and control
Trust and open