The term #enshittification coined by is a pop term for a very real social/tech problem.

I have been using the #dotcons for the last 20 years to express this same idea. I feel this is a better hashtag, but that’s just my view, you can see the thinking for this latter.

The whole 30-year tech ecosystem is designed to CON you ( for profit #dotcom ( They inclosed the #openweb and we (our liberals) went along with this, with “#enshittification” we are still going along with this mess.

A critique of the term “#enshittification

* Obscuring Responsibility: Using terms like “enshittification” obscures the true root causes of the issue. Instead of attributing problems solely to a general decline in quality, the focus should be on identifying specific actors and factors responsible for this decline.

* Profit Motive and Diverging Interests: Behind the concept of “enshittification” lies the profit motive inherent in capitalist systems. There’s a divergence of interests between product users (consumers) and product owners (corporations), where decisions are driven by maximizing profits rather than improving user experiences.

* Lack of Accountability: By simplifying issues like “enshittification,” there’s a risk of absolving those responsible for making harmful decisions. The critique should emphasize the need to hold accountable the individuals and entities that prioritize profit over societal well-being.

* Liberal Perspective and Tech Ecosystem: The discussion needs to extend to the role of liberalism and the tech ecosystem in perpetuating these problems. We need to criticize how the #openweb was enclosed and co-opted by the #dotcom industry, with complicity from liberal circles.

* Call to Action: The #dotcons, critique is a call to action against those who exploit technology for profit without regard for societal consequences. It condemns the manipulation and exploitation within the tech industry and urges a more critical approach to understanding and addressing these issues.

In summary, we need to challenge the use of “common sense” terms like “#enshittification” to describe complex societal problems, advocating instead for a deeper examination of the profit-driven motives and systemic inequalities that underlie deteriorating online quality and community experiences. #dotcons highlights the importance of accountability and critical view in addressing the harmful impacts of technology in the hands of capitalism on society.

Our liberals need to think about this 🙂