For the last 30 years the has been a strong alt-globalization movement

The opposition to neoliberalism (the #deathcult) is a global movement that advocates for the protection of humane culture, environmental survivability, and democratic institutions in the face of economic globalization. The anti #mainstreaming of this movement argue that the neoliberal position of free trade and removing public sector regulation has not benefited society and global survival.

One of the key events that sparked this movement was the proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the 1990s. This treaty aimed to liberalize cross-border investment and trade restrictions, but it faced significant opposition from civil society representatives, who argued that mandatory standards were needed to ensure that globalization did not put people or the environment at risk.

Critics of neoliberalism argue that the interests of investors are prioritized over those of people, and that this leads to the exploitation of workers and natural resources. Noam Chomsky, a prominent scholar and activist, argued that the term “globalization” has been appropriated by the powerful to refer to a specific form of international economic integration, one that prioritizes investor rights over human rights.

Opposition to neoliberalism is not opposition to globalization itself, but rather to the specific form of globalization that prioritizes the interests of private power systems over the rights of people. The movement for an alternative form of globalization seeks to promote international integration that attends to the rights of people, promotes democratic institutions, and preserves the natural environment.

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