Our shared #mainstreaming for the last 40 years has been built on the path of #neoliberalism a political and economic ideology that advocates for minimal state intervention in the economy, emphasizing free markets, deregulation, privatization, and a reduction in government spending on social programs. It emerged as a dominant force in the late 20th century,…
Liberalism – is not for you
The Myth of the Middle Class:The so-called “middle class” is a constructed concept that never truly existed. If you work for a boss and earn wages or a salary, you are a worker, a member of the working class, and should take pride in that identity. The term “middle class” was created to isolate more…
“Tanky” is a derogatory term for vertical factions within the left
The term #tanky is a colloquial and derogatory label used to describe some vertical factions within the left, particularly those who defend authoritarian socialist states and their historical actions. Origins of the Term, “tanky” is within the British left-wing circles, initially used to describe those who supported the Soviet Union’s intervention in Hungary in 1956.…
We need pathways to sustainable, equitable and just societies
The idea of mixing capitalism and socialism in a “fluffy” path is proposed as a solution to the shortcomings of both systems. This notion is especially popular among well-meaning liberals who point to European social democracies as examples of successful mixed economies. However, any deeper examination reveals contradictions and challenges inherent in attempting to merge…
A radical view of the Palestine
The conflict between Israel and Palestine is messy and complex. Let’s look at this from a radical perspective, where it is seen as a struggle against settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing, with ongoing systemic injustice. The Radical View of the Palestine Story Key Points of Advocacy Conclusion The radical view of the Palestine story emphasizes the…
What Should New Leftists Do?
This is a guide for more vertically inclined activists to work with more horizontal activism, for an active fluffy/spiky debate to become a part of communities of action. 1. Pursue an Education 2. Read Theory 3. Join an Organization 4. keep fit 5. Tone Down the Zeal 6. Left Unity Conclusion The journey of a…
Activist History: A Balanced Approach
Activist history is often marred in sectarianism. This fragmentation means that often the most contentious and least effective voices dominate the narrative, overshadowing the efforts of those who were diligently work on the ground. Addressing the Challenges To tell the story of activist history accurately and fairly, we need to work to overcome the following…
A Positive View Of Current Trends
The challenges we face today: #climatechaos, inequality, and the social impacts of #dotcons technology are a creating a very real social mess. However, there is a potential for a positive transformation if we push the power of #openweb and #4opens technology and align it with progressive and radical grassroots politics. Addressing Climate Change with Technology…
Why We Need the Open Media Network (#OMN)
The Challenge of Mainstream Media #Mainstreaming media is dominated by establishment interests that have perfected the art of propaganda. This media landscape is highly effective at brainwashing the public, making it difficult to foster a social and political change and challenge. Without altering this media ecology, progressive movements stand little chance against the overwhelming influence…
Why Mainstreaming Politics is Crap
Today’s left-wing politics, represented by figures like Biden, Stammer and Macron, has devolved into a form of centrism that tries to balance market interests with bureaucratic oversight. This blend results in policies that are neither here nor there, failing to inspire or facilitate any genuine change or challenge. The only real appeal of this kind…
The Urgent Need for Climate Action
The mess we build when public’s attention is being deliberately diverted by those in power. They want us to focus on national borders and other divisive issues, preventing us from addressing the real crisis #climatechange. This distraction tactic is designed to benefit the class who continue to profit from the destruction of our planet. As…