Brining #indymediaback

The fallow flower beds/farm that is #indymedia needs to be bought back to life slowly with as little change to the structure as possible. In our current social tech state just about ANY change will start ripping and when this starts it escalates quickly to do real damage. The original 2000-2008’ish structures cover 90% of issues in a good way, let’s live with that for a while.

The are a host of outstanding big issues in the remaining 10% that are undefined – let’s concentrate our energies on these missing bits and roll out solutions respecting “diversity of tactics”. The ansears to the missing 10% generally cannot be found pre-defined, we should be very weary of people coming in with fixed agender. Diversity and good process in hand with on the ground working overtime as a part of the real network is the ONLY valued test.

Slow/diversity/nurture vs fast/dogmatic/tearing. To highlight now before we roll out bigger, there will be lots of the second and little of the first much of the time. It is just how it is…

* is not dogma, it’s simply the last 30 years of open source development codified as social structure.

* PGA is not dogma, it’s the embodied wishes/dreams and planning of thousands of peoples over meany country’s and years of time.

* Indymedia is not dogma, it’s the expirence of meany radical media groups coming together to build an open network to fight neoliberalism (#deathcult) on the ground, in the streets, in the fields and online.

The difference between indymedia and the hundreds of failed “radical” media projects over the last 20 years is that indymedia flourished for a good time before it succumbed to the “forgetting” of the #PGA and foundation it was built on and was thus helpless against the internal forces that ripped it apart. Leaving  no malubilerty to shift to the heavy blows from the forces attacking from the outside.

We core crew need to learn how to become benign older folks who answer every “better” solution put forward by the thrusting young with “how does that work with the #4opens” then fallow up with “lets look to see if that furthers the PGA hallmarks” to all their enthusiastic “youth” energy for “change”. Keep it gentle and most importantly, keep the focus…

At meany stages there will be howling mobs soured by hatred and through wing shit to create a stinking mess… our job is to keep focus and calm… a hard thing to do in a messy/disaster world #Brexit and #climatechaos pushes, but it’s the simple job we are taking on.