Socialist economics

Socialist economics is characterized by social ownership and operation of the means of production. This means that the control and management of resources, factories, and other productive assets are in the hands of society as a whole, rather than in the hands of a small group of individuals or corporations. There are many different forms…

Anarchist economics

Anarchism is a radical left-wing movement that has a strong anti-authoritarian, anti-statist, and libertarian interpretation of socialism, communism, individualism, collectivism, mutualism, participism, and syndicalism. Anarchists support personal property based on mutualist usufruct, which refers to possession and use of property, but they oppose private ownership of productive property such as the means of production (capital,…

Libertarian socialism

Libertarian socialism is a political philosophy that has gained popularity in recent years due to its emphasis on liberty and social justice. It is a left-wing, anti-authoritarian, and anti-statist movement within socialism that rejects the state’s control of the economy of state socialism. This philosophy is rooted in the idea that workers should have greater…


Anti-capitalism is a political movement that challenges the current economic system, capitalism. It is based on the understanding that capitalism is an unjust system that creates inequality, concentrates power in the hands of a few individuals and corporations, and exploits workers and resources for profit. One alternative to capitalism proposed by anti-capitalists is socialism. Socialism…

For the last 30 years the has been a strong alt-globalization movement

The opposition to neoliberalism (the #deathcult) is a global movement that advocates for the protection of humane culture, environmental survivability, and democratic institutions in the face of economic globalization. The anti #mainstreaming of this movement argue that the neoliberal position of free trade and removing public sector regulation has not benefited society and global survival.…

The Mess We’ve Made: Neoliberalism.

Over the past 40 years, humanity has created a complete mess of our society and environment. #Climatechaos, the degradation of the biosphere, and growing global inequalities are not separate issues but different facets of the same problem. This problem is the #neoliberal economic system that has spread across the world through globalization, promoting high production…

The 1999 Seattle WTO protests were a strong moment in the history of globalization and global trade

The 1999 Seattle WTO protests, known as the Battle of Seattle, were a turning point in the history of globalization and global trade. The protests took place from November 30 to December 3, 1999, during the World Trade Organization’s (#WTO) Ministerial Conference, which aimed to launch a new round of trade negotiations. However, the negotiations…