Serbian rainbow

When a rainbow gathering is “organized” rather than “foculised” you live through a more “dull” than “shiny” rainbow.

The Serbian gathering is 600m up in wooded mountains so we have both sun and regular strong thunder storms with torrential rain.

The kitchen was built before i came over a few dry days of flimsy plastic sheets on a dry stream bed surrounded by trees. We are in the mountains so when it inevitably rains/thunder for a week we have a river running over the kitchen leaving mud and rot. The was no energy or focus to build a new/stronger kitchen on dry ground.

The main fire was built by the “party crew” on a fine day in the drainage ditch running through the centre of the field. When it rained of course the whole fire was washed away and became a “sacred pool”.

This lack of awareness of living with nature and continuing “Babylon energy”, talking about fixing the “problem” of “unthinking” standing against nature and fighting against natural flows with the talk of dig more ditches to move the water away from were it wonted to go. Were the rainbow way is of course to live with the flows of nature, build “organic” structures in places in harmony with natural flows.

The gathering was looking like a fail, too hard-core daily existences for out reach or to stay in the low energy of the gathering. Leave or try to save it?

The building of the new kitchen took 5 days with lots of pushing. At a shiny rainbow it would have been built in 2 days with lots of joy. The pushing it self is a problem/not rainbow. Rearly the existing gathering was not rainbow. What to do?

The kitchen was built, circles happen, workshops start and the rainbow begins, this was rainbow 🙂

Serbian rainbow 2018

When a rainbow gathering is “organized” rather than “foculised” you live through a more “dull” than “shiny” rainbow.

The gathering is 600m up in wooded mountains so we have both sun and regular strong thunder storms with torrential rain.

The kitchen was built before i came over a few dry days of flimsy plastic sheets on a dry stream bed surrounded by trees. We are in the mountains so when it inevitability rains/thunder for a week we have a river running over the kitchen leaving mud and rot. The was no energy or focus to build a new/stronger kitchen on dry ground.

The main fire was built by the “party crew” on a fine day in the drainage ditch running through the centre of the field. When it rained of course the whole fire was washed away and became a “sacred pool”.

This lack of awareness of living with nature and continuing “Babylon energy”, talking about fixing the “problem” of “unthinking” standing against nature and fighting against natural flows. The talk, dig more ditches to move the water away from were it wonted to go. Were the rainbow way is of course to live with the flows of nature, build “organic” structures in places in harmony with nature.

The gathering was looking like a fail, too hard-core daily existences for out reach or to stay in the low energy of the gathering. Leave or try to save it?

The building of the new kitchen took 5 days with lots of pushing. At a shiny rainbow it would have been built in 2 days with lots of joy. The pushing it self is a problem/not rainbow. Rearly the existing gathering was not rainbow. What to do?

The kitchen was built, circles happen, workshops start and the rainbow begins, this was rainbow 🙂

Power Trip: Fracking in the UK

Power Trip: Fracking in the UK (63mins) takes you onto the frontlines of UK resistance in the battle to stop the controversial energy extraction process known as ‘Fracking’.

Undercurrents productions show what happens beyond the few seconds glimpsed on the mainstream TV news. We follow grandmothers (Lancashire Nanas) as they team up with younger activists (Reclaim the Power) to shut down Cuadrilla’s drilling sites. In Lancashire and Sussex trucks are occupied, drilling sites are blocked and supply chains are disrupted. Police are spending millions of pounds trying (and failing) to stop the daily protests. One man attempts to make a citizens arrest on the Prime Minister for allegedly misleading the public over this form of extreme energy extraction

The film widens the discussion to highlight the role of the media and lobby groups in shaping public perception of unconventional gas and oil exploration. We hear from energy experts, journalists and key politicians amongst the voices of local residents and councillors.

Interviews include (amongst others)
George Monbiot, Columnist and author
Caroline Lucas MP, Leader of Green Party
John McDonnell, Shadow Chancellor (Labour)
Tamasin Cave, Spinwatch
Tina Louise Rothery, Lancashire Nanas
Anna & others, Reclaim the Power
Paul Mobbs, Ecological Futurologist
Dale Vince, Founder Ecotricity
Prof. Andrew R. Barron, Director Energy Safety Research Institute
Kevin Blowe, The Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol)
Ruth Hayworth, Journalist Drill or Drop
Jamie Kelsey Fry, New Internationalist
John Vidal, Environment editor The Guardian

Building alt/grassroots media networks to challenge and widen the traditional media

Our current groups doing alt/grassroots media are too limited in their idea of what media could/should be in this the is either a naivety or a dishonesty. The most successful act and think they can be #traditionalmedia” without controlling the distribution of their content in any meaningful way. This is of course not unusual, the mainstream media is continually making this same mistake. All of them rely on the #dotcons which nowadays is largely the #Failbook algorithm for the there content distribution.

Our current grassroots/alt media have websites so already have one foot in the openweb, but none of their sites prominently link in any meaningful way to each others. They do podcasting so anther foot in the open web, but all their effort for outreach is inside the #silos such as Apple iTunes etc. it’s hard to directly blame them, though we should and will, for this sorry state.

So why are we here? On the one hand we have the #fashernista embrace of the #dotcons which almost all the current crew built their careers inside. A capitalist #mainstreaming.

On the other we have the suicidal embrace of #encryptionists complexity and parallel “standardization” into a pointless/shrinking to nothingness alt-tech ghetto were our #geekproblem are and desire to stay. A liberal/libertarian #mainstreaming.

With these issues in mind I have been outreaching to these groups for the last year, and building real working openweb linking tech as part of the #OMN project. This currently is not been getting past the crew’s naivety/self-interest/career focused thinking. Fair anufe if that is as far as their imagination/aspiration goes, but this is a clear problem for working alt/progressive/left media that urgently needs to be addressed.

So our current alt/grassroots media are irrelevant to rebooting a healthy society from a technical/social point of view. Their is some good content but no realistic path for this media to be seen or spread in a way that can be affective for social change outside the controlling #dotcons

One simple and practical path to change this is a basic. To move on with the project to get alt/grassroots media producers linking to each other on the #openweb Currently they pointlessly do not do this, even though they have repeatedly stated they do over the last few years.

What action have I been taking over the last 10 years:

1) Keep private messaging them on steps they can take, this works to an extent, as last year I asked them to add more tags to their posts and they “broke” the User Interface on the #OMN codebase we are using by adding lots more – which is a good problem to have. A small step.

2) Publicly talk to them as a alt/grassroots media group in blog post and their social media – this currently has little effect.

3) Talk to them in public as producer groups – this has had a limited effect with some groups, will try this more.

4) Publicly talk to them as individual’s, this will generally get a private response and little/no action just words so far.

5) Name and shame them as groups who do not link/share with other groups in public, this might be needed for some groups, but this is a negative.

6) Name them as individuals within the producer groups and push for linking directly to them in public, name and point to the individual that this is a clear negative fail, a last stage.

It’s a shame that this escalation is needed/not working – linking is a clear path to success on the web – the right-wing blogs/producers do this, it’s a simple fail that the left/progressive do not now, and generally never have link to each other.

“Make the world you want to see” LINKING is the bases of the #openweb and a strong path to #rebooting the grassroots internet itself. Looking for helpful/happy people to crowed source the active conversation to make this happen, maybe we need a “new” alt-media content #reboot to pull the current ones onto a sustainable path, lead by example.

For this to be relevant we need working open media tech, the best example of this is mastodon/activertypub. The #OMN project uses this and is simple #4opens based on linking, it’s a “first step”.

Updated text, find our current project

Since we left London

Since we left London that we have been roughly marking on a map our overnight stops. It’s not graphically amazing but does give an idea on how far we got! Since we left London we’ve done 2750km on European Inland Waterways to Vienna on 8 different rivers and 17 canals throughout 3 countries. We’ve passed 498 locks, 5 lift bridges and 3 tunnels. We’ve moored at pirate moorings, free town walls or to other boats 70% of the times, in marinas 20% and at anchor 10% and we’ve filled up our diesel tank 3 times only! #themanwhoboughtalifeboat #boatinacrosseurope #boatingeurope #documentary #maps #journey #europeinlandwaterways #lifeboat #liveaboard #refurbished #compactliving #slowliving #travelgram #england  🇬🇧 #france🇫🇷 #germany🇩🇪 #austria🇦🇹 #thamesriver #englishchannel #frenchcanals #rhineriver #mainriver #maindonaukanal #danuberiver


Brainstorming London boater gentrification

*** this was a draft from a few years ago ***

London boaters


Ideology right fear

/left hope

The hoard of new boaters test them invite them to crusty boater events ask them for help etc. the ones that are happy to jump across the land water divide bring in. The ones that bulk and retreat push them out.

Publicize the resulting disaster tell each story so that media picks up on this bad vibe

Hide the good in (semi open) private groups

Use direct action on CRT (office occupations, blockaded etc.) with strong media pushing of actions.

Build DIY alts. This is hard one as most alts will push for encloses to profit – need a PGA statement to see which to support and which not.

Punish bad/crap/unsocial boater behaver both inside our community and as a last resort outside.

Do the who thing as lose affinity groups.

Summing up of the #webroots meetings at #nwsk

Summing up of the #webroots meetings at #nwsk

I came away feeling like an alien with the chasm that divides my #openweb view from the Facebook generation that made up the panel and ordnance.

Some thoughts:

As the guy from demo’s said the are better #openweb projects in most areas. Though these options were only said in a few words in passing.

It’s interesting that the has not been a mention of the WWW just the internet. This might be because a company like Facebook is not on the web do a search and you come to a login page, not content you can link to.

As said on the panel legislating for the #dotcons is dangerous for a wider www/internet view. On this positive note they knew they were incompetent for the roles they were playing. That’s a step.

The OMN Its a network of flows


Its a network of flows

Pub/Sub and Fat-ping (update)

Pub is flow out, Sub is flow in

SUB – Input any feed (RSS etc) converts to “data objects”

Internal database holds a redundant copy of all the “data objects” text/meta-data of all its SUBS

PUB – Output any feed (RSS, activity-pub etc.) a stream of “data objects”

The Fat ping are used to sync the tag based meta data for each “data object “across the sub/pub feeds.

All the non text data is held on the original server.

The Open Media Network (OMN)

“We can’t engage as communities, unless we have money. I can’t even express how angry this makes me.” – an activist group using Facebook. People and organizations who feel this way are the initial targets. is an unfettered space for Activists and groups to communicate and a safe space for Campaigning and NGO groups to access their members via #openweb projects.

If you do care about privacy, want to be a conscious user, or otherwise believe in digital freedom make #openworlds your default search engine.

Coming soon a whole new #openweb of videos at

You can get involved its past time to step back to the #openweb

visionOntv – A bit of history

Our main visionontv site (running for 10 years) has generated many millions of downloads and video views for other video account holders vie RSS, torrents, embeds and playlists. The early part of the project was based on RSS/peer2peer were its difficult to get hard figures.

We can count the views on our secondary target the mainstream social networks. Have generated over 32 million video views on 9 video streaming sites, the top 3 are undercurrents were we posted all the videos for the first years 24,653,171 views, then the newer visionontv which we gradually moved to 4,829,654 views and blip our main hosting site which has since disappeared had more than 1.2 million views. The rest had around 2 million video views between them.

We have produced over 1000 original video reports and studio shows at hundreds of venues in support of campaigning groups. Run nearly 100 free training workshop on how to be a grassroots video journalist. Facilitated live streaming at conferences and events.

Currently we are running 5 servers and hosting 14 websites.

Testing peertube webRTC seedboxes

Have been test useing seedboxs to store and server video for peertube installs. For first test setup am useing Vuze with a RSS and webRTC plugin as this is a easey.

The latist version of peertube am useing has implemented feeds, these work fine and send the new videos posted to the torrent dowenload app, which then dowenloads and seeds these videos in throry vier webRTC torrents. Anyone new watching these videos should get part of the video from my seedbox (on a modern laptop/fast DSL line in london).

The problem is that very rearly duse anything come off my seedbox. I have sat and watched it for few days, its now serving 36 videos for 3 diffrent peertube instances. Some of these videos I posted my self some are dowenloded ver RSS feed.

Have a look at this image full screen to see whats happening.