Looking at the tech and organising of UK alt grassroots media

How meany sites link to another alt/grassroots media sits. From this list of 38 UK sites, only 2 link to another site. Many people find it hard to understand the underlining understandings that push projects based on flow and linking, such as #OMN and #openweb. Here is a short list of activism projects. Silo Is…

Alt media

Published Date 6/8/16 6:19 PM Where is alt-media and what are the issues in geek culture that stop it from having much effect. There is no active working alt-tech and the open web that would be shaped by this open alt-tech is withering under the #dotcon push to enclose. * 98.9% of alt-tech projects are…

Open Media Network

The project The Open Media Network is a project to play a small role in revitalising the open web. It uses the tried and tested technology of RSS, taking it out of a basic personalised mash-up of feeds into an open metadata social network. Its initial focus will be around alternative media, enabling projects to grow and…

Hope filled tributary s feeding fresh water to the polluted mainstream

Published Date 2/29/16 1:55 PM DRAFT of 3 examples of “working” contemporary alternatives and their malcontent’s. The Village ButtyA lovely project provided originally by a hard-working individual with small funding and continuing energy. The need, boaters need a warm dry open common place, if their unique contemporary “village” culture is to survive the long term…

Why did the #openweb flower and die over the last 30 years

Published Date 2/22/16 1:17 AM Why did the thousands of open internet projects fail? despite the state, foundation, #NGO funding. The were early successful atavist tech projects, all proved to be pointless or withered with success. In all cases I would argue that the underlining failer was one of ideology, almost all projects worked against…