Grassroots media Building affinity

Published Date 2/18/15 11:39 PM DRAFT In the last few posts I have looked at a failed organising strategy realmedia gathering, outlined a positive way out of this failer, the focused unconfrunce. But for wider understanding I think the content so far is lacking some background, lets look at an old post here I…

What would rebooting grassroots media look like

Published Date 2/13/15 2:01 PM DRAFT Intro to the event Unconferences are called for a reason and are about a subject, generally with an idea of an outcome. Invite all the existing groups and most importantly, representatives from past groups to tell their stories and outline their ongoing projects. Invite groups from outside the activist/NGO…

A presentation of the idea of the Open Media Network and where it currently is

Published Date 5/18/13 1:10 PM A presentation of the idea of the Open Media Network and where it currently is The OMN is owned by nobody and run by nobody. It is merely a set of “stupidly simple” open standards, open databases and working practices. We are building some hubs to flesh the network out.…

We are rolling out some sites and applications that work within the OMN

Published Date 4/30/13 5:49 PM The OMN is owned by nobody and run by nobody. It is merely a set of Stupidly Simple open standards, open databases and working practices. We are building some hubs to flesh the network out. What is there at the moment.? Let’s highlight some of the projects: Open funding…

The Activists FUCKED UP USE of corporate social media

Published Date 4/17/13 4:56 PM It consistently amazed me how activists walked into the trap of corporate social networking. I can understand NGO groups narrowness of focus, its were the funding is. I can understand traditional media’s embracing of Facebook, Twitter and the closed ecosystem of app stores as its a perceived as a “safe”…

We have a very serous problem at the moment in progressive technology

Published Date 12/8/12 6:56 PM Geek culture has always had a strong ant-progressive side to it and this in now dominant – it manifests as naivety about politics and over- complexity in open solutions. NGO culture is based on a anti-commons, a dog eats dog fight for survival based on short term funding criteria. Traditional…