If you want a good progressive media you need to challenge the powerpolatics that our current individual groups are based on

Power Politics, if you are interested in a progressive alt-media, this cannot continue as a core social solutions to the majority of problems. We need a genuine consensus based approach, which cannot happen if powerpolatics is an unspoken option in social movements. We have an existing social movement to build alt media and an easey…

Radical Networks

Q. “From mass surveillance to the over-commercialization of the World Wide Web, the concept of a free and open Internet is continously threatened by corporate interests and over-reaching governments. Radical Networks is a festival and a conference, designed to foster critical discussions around these issues and to create opportunities to learn more about policy, DIY…

We need projects like the Media Fund as part of an #openweb echo syteam

Published Date 10/23/17 6:50 PM We need projects like the Media Fund as part of a #openweb echo-syteam. But they need to get a bit upto date to be relevant, currently they are years in the past in their thinking – this is a #fashernista problem that is made worst by funding agenda’s being many…

Offering a real alternative to the dotcons world

Published Date 10/17/17 4:59 PM This is a quite #reboot of the #openweb going on. This #4opens project has nearly 1 million users https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon_(software) It’s one of the use it or lose it moments for life outside #failbook. It would be a bad time for progressive funders to start to prop up the #dotcons world…

Making History

Published Date 6/14/17 1:27 PM Making History * is the open actavist/grassroots archiveing project that “Resistance Exhibition” is the UK flow. * Travelling open commons / archiving project      * boating europe (outline the trip) * Applying for Lush central funding, with match funding / organizing from local Lush shops          * 8 venues over 2 years…


Published Date 4/18/17 11:53 AM I have been talking about the fashernisatas for the last few years, its an idea/group that I have been struggling to work with my whole time in the alt/grassroots. So what is a #fahernista?  A group of individuals who value/push there own individual advancement over the needs of the croup…

History of the visionOntv project

The original project was offlinetv and was a online network to setup screenings to bring people together and cross fertilize different radical campaigning groups. I was pushing it as “open” rebooting of the failing undercurrents video activism project. Before this I had been making a meager living doing screenings by fundraising vie the copyleft ruffcuts…

Undercurrents in the Mainstream The Trojan Horse Application

This was an profetic project outline from 2001 (or 2007 cant quite tell) Undercurrents in the Mainstream. The Trojan Horse Application A proposal for a world-wide workers co-operative approach to New Media – A Universal TV Channel. .By Hamish Campbell Imagine an internet TV channel where anyone can put anything in and take anything out.…