4opens review of NHSX track and trace app

The app is from NHSX with contributions from Apple and Google obvs and Pivotal Labs and Uni of Oxford. All source code for front and backend on Github and open source.
What is the actual polatics behind this?

review. Think it duse 2 opens as it clearly fails openprocess and likely opendata? Its opensource? And kinda open “industrial” standard. So its at best a bronze 4opens project, try harder?

On outreach of OMN and indymedia reboot

Q. I’m not interested in doing that, as I don’t know what it is you are actually proposing. Apart from using hashtags and talking about #deathcult I don’t actually understand your plan?

What I haven’t heard is a practical way of hosting and distributing alt media.

Visionontv turned into a mess, just as Indymedia did. So what has changed?

A. What happened is a good question. The answer is simple the #Fediverse maybe start here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse

Where we are now https://the-federation.info/ or https://fediverse.network/

From an activist tech prospective. The real opening we have is this was built outside activism outside #encryptionist amenders and for the #openweb and is thus

Our own tech in activism was ripped apart by the open/closed war, indymedia dies because of this, visionontv never went anywhere because of this. Outside activism this war has also been fought, the closed/encryptionists have been dominant for the last 10 years.

Around 5 years ago a handful of people said fuck this crap we need a spade. They created #openweb tools, and it has exploded from there to be a real UI friendly alternative. This is exactly the same outcome of the World Wide Web did to the silos of the early internet.

Am simply bring this explosion of affective DIY creativity into the ossified and dead depression of activism tech. Obviously, meany nay sayers are going to piss and shit all over this move. Activist tech died for very good ressions. This does not have to be a block, as I say this makes good compost so get your shovel ready and let’s plant some seeds. I hope that not to metaphorical

A simple video on the tech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S57uhCQBEk0 from this it’s clear this #openweb tech works and scales and people like it

What is also clear is that is people are getting seriously unhappy on the #dotcons

YES its going to be a mess of shit and piss and fuckups, that’s activism, and the #encryptionsists pushed “closed” ideas deep into our #fashernistas so it’s a uphill battle.

BUT we do not have a choice to stay in the #dotcons it’s poison and our ecosystem and social syteams are dyeing.

A realistic timeline, a year of dev and small scale roll-outs. During which there will be lots and lots of shit shovelling to stop it becoming a stinking mess that people will not go, nowhere near.

The tech is “easy”ish, it’s the shovelling shit that’s hard, non techs can help with this bit.

Help OMN indymedia reboot
* It easy to keep crossing wires with “media” vs. personal. Media should be open, with clear sources, except when protecting them. Whereas personal data should default to private
* #OMN is not about tech – all code is ideology – the OMN is a social solution to a social problem
* teach people the #4opens and review tools/projects they use/want to use by them.
* on the dev/organising site you can help by asking simple basic questions

#4opens reviews – Discord

The #4opens:

Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_data with out this open they cannot work.

* hard to say am assuming you can download your chats? but your contacts ect? Say ½ a open

Open source – as in “free software” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have isn’t perfect but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.

* Discord is an American proprietary freeware instant messaging – No

Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understood but core open, it’s what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_standard

* No its propritery

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process

* nop its a private .com

Note: Discord uses the metaphors of servers and channels similar to Internet Relay Chat even though these servers do not map to traditional hardware or virtual servers due to its distributed nature

So to be generous that’s 1/2 a opens so it is not a #4opens project

How to move away from the current mess

40 years of hard indoctrination has to be dug up and composted if we have any hope of moving away from this mess that’s going to kill billions of people and make life short and nasty to quate Hobbs  #XR

The idea is to make mainstream thinking feel dirty as everything we touch and most things we think are “contaminated” by the #deathcult (neo-liberal)

Spades (hardwork) compost (ecological) outcome sustainable life.

What is the #geekproblem

400 new securaty problems have just been announced for 40% of the devices in our pockets. This same story happens every month or so… these problems are at the chip level and can never be fixed in the device in your pocket.

Our “phones” are as complex as anything built by human beings. Think the British or Roman empire level of complexity siting in your pocket feeding you social media updates.

The geeks have been lieing to themselves and to us that there code can be “secure” on these devices. This has been going on for 20 years, the #encryptionists fantasy has been built on top of this lie, as well as our banking and governance.

Take a moment to think about this mess.

The is a way out networks move us to a different place, and likely set of problems 😉

What did you do in the #dotcons during the climatechoas breakdown

Q. So are you gonna say what you’ve done? I don’t think posting on fb has any affect on the dotcons? The opposite in fact

A. Yep it dose, am doing a stepaway project, a group of us run 5 #openweb servers with a search engine, social network, video hosting, and tools development site/openweb organizing.  You can find links if you look back on me #failbook feed or search the web for OMN might find them.

A. Agen if you look back you will find a very long list of posts inside and outside the #dotcons with information, motivation about the #openweb projects as well as the current mess we face here .

A. If people use the #hashtags as seeds for communitys we could have the start of real radical revolt. If they don’t, more likely, we will have some liberal wank, no meaningful action and the death of billions of people due to this crap behavior and current mess as made clear by the #XR crew. Its a simple message and strategy.

What are contemporary sins?

You rarely get anywhere by simply renaming things. All you do is lose the historical thried and then recreate the same mess. #Stupidindividualism is often the motivation for this, and it’s a big sin in the liberals and “post politics” crew.

A metaphor that individualism makes us stupid and that to live outside a balance of individualistic vs community is stupid. Yes, it’s an aspect of liberalism and capitalism and at an extreme with #neoliberalism.

#deathcult worshippers is another metaphor for (invisible) neoliberalism.

All the metaphors (used as #hashtags) are aspects of liberalism and very critical of neoliberalism.  The idea is to make #mainstreaming thinking dirty.

The hashtags work if a community/affinity group of people use them without falling into the sin of #stupidindividualism of course 😉

If you miss my point, please go back and reread, don’t drop back into sin 😉


We are a wide affinity group working to reboot the global indymedia network using modern federated protocols such as #activertypub. This reboot will be based on the OMN project code.What is the OMN (Open Media Network): The project is to shift power to the producers and consumers of media. It’s about good UI and simple empowering #KISS tools to move content, by categorising it with a grassroots folksonermy. This simple approach is balanced by shared site level syntax for the complex crew.
Working Project Site https://unite.openworlds.info/explore/organizations
Background http://hamishcampbell.com/index.php/tag/indymedia/
In the end it’s about bringing trust back into news.