Lets look at one of the new semi open #dotcons – brave.com

https://brave.com The #4opens: Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project. Open data – is the basic part of a project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_data with out this open they cannot work. * hard to say, I think all the limited user data it collects will be sold for profit, it’s the business…

The #dotcons put shiny on there poison pill and we swallowed a heap

Q. but then facebook fucked it all up http://members.aye.net/~hippie/hippie/special_.htm A. Yes, well we kinda fucked it up before #failbook came along. The #ossification of #indymedia network from my memory comes to mind. Tecnolagy as individualism over tecnolagy as social, the blogging revolution and years of pointless #encryptionists projects are good examples. Then the #dotcons puts…

Helping the stepaway from the #dotcons

https://campaign.openworlds.info https://activism.openworlds.info https://visionon.tv https://openworlds.info http://omn.openworlds.info I have 5 working/funded/stable #openweb projects to push this winter to wider ordences. Covering News, Social Media, Video and Search. Be the change you wont to see #stepaway from the #dotcons back to the openweb. #4opens are key for projects to work dont drink to deeply from the #encryptionist stream…

Offering a real alternative to the dotcons world

Published Date 10/17/17 4:59 PM This is a quite #reboot of the #openweb going on. This #4opens project has nearly 1 million users https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon_(software) It’s one of the use it or lose it moments for life outside #failbook. It would be a bad time for progressive funders to start to prop up the #dotcons world…

Lets look at some dotcons from the perspective of the 4opens Facebook

Published Date 9/25/17 5:03 PM https://facebook.com/ Open data – A small YES and many many NO’s the is a obscured link were you can download a lot of data that facebook holds about you it’s a SMALL YES. But all the interlinking and meta data that is used is hidden and for sale to the…

Trump was chosen and elected by this internet web and more will grow from the dotcons

Published Date 12/15/16 5:05 PM draft The internet has “grown” mind/s of its own. This is a convoluted sketch outline of a core tech/social issue. in the #dotcons Neo Liberalism “free trade” is baked into our dominant online infrastructure, in this it flows freely though society perverting and sickening as it touches. Everything the #dotcons…

Navigating challenges: online governance, trolling, and privacy

It’s interesting and useful to look at the critical issue of online governance, community dynamics, and the problem of #mainstreaming trolling on both the #dotcons and open social platforms like #Mastodon, #Fediverse and the broader #openweb Let’s start with mastodon, the complexity of (default) privacy settings leads to public conversations inadvertently shifting into private spaces,…

At an Oxford event – The Policy engagement workshop

“How should the new Labour government be listening?” A few notes: Firstly it needs to be said, this is common in Oxford, this is powerless people talking about things that matter. Where activism is about forming a group of action for pushing and pulling power, this event is not activism, it’s academy, need to remember…

Socialhub needs rebooting as grassroots, its drifting

What went wrong with this is a classic case of the tension between grassroots ideals and the pressure of existing within a larger system that is fundamentally at odds with those ideals. The #fediverse, along with other #openweb movements, succeeds in small, meaningful ways but struggles to scale in a world built on capitalist structures,…

Recognizing the cracks in the current path

This is an overview, the path we need to try is to focus on #commons and #cooperation for building tools and communities, to use these tools to challenge the current structures of power. This is a very different path than the #stupidindividualism (as some people say #hyperindividualism) of the current capitalist path. The way isn’t…