Outreaching in the #dotcons is hard work

Outreaching in the #dotcons is hard work: Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in r/foss because your comment violates this community’s rules. You won’t be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it. Note from the moderators: https://www.reddit.com/r/foss/ openmedianetwork, this comment may have fully or partially contributed…

#dotcons push consumerism as propaganda

In the United States, propaganda is intertwined with consumerism. Edward Bernays working in the US is the father of modern propaganda, he believed that humans were driven by instincts and animal desires. His work was used to harness these instincts through advertisements (propaganda) to create inner desires within people, to feed consumerism, which corporations could…

Capitalism is the logic of the #dotcons

Let’s look at capitalism through the lens of #dotcons (a term that plays on “dot-coms” with a critical twist). In summary, “capitalism is the logic of the #dotcons” shows how capitalist paths have shaped the #openweb into a landscape to prioritize profit over public good, leading to the current mess of exploitation, centralization, surveillance, and…

Criticisms of capitalism and its digital children the #dotcons

Criticisms of capitalism: * Income inequality: Capitalism leads to greater income inequality, as those who own capital and assets are able to accumulate wealth at a faster rate than those who rely on wages. * Exploitation: Capitalism results in the exploitation of workers, who are paid low wages, work in poor conditions, and have limited…

Censorship on the fedivers is different to censorship on the #dotcons

A lot of people talk about censorship on the #fedivers without much understanding how this is different to censorship on the #dotcons The fedivers instances voluntary federate to other instances of the fedivers, its part of the open network that you can choose not to federate with some instances. This is not censorship as each…

Why move away from both the #dotcons and the #encryptionists now?

Lets look at trust/community building as this is what the OMN is about after 20 years of failed tech “solutions”. * Link – am interested in there content flow for my community. * Trust – i have a relationship with them, no questions. * Moderate – we are building a relationship. * Whoops – rollback…

What did you do in the #dotcons during the climatechoas breakdown

Q. So are you gonna say what you’ve done? I don’t think posting on fb has any affect on the dotcons? The opposite in fact A. Yep it dose, am doing a stepaway project, a group of us run 5 #openweb servers with a search engine, social network, video hosting, and tools development site/openweb organizing. …