Interesting for me look at were how we started our project from 13 04 2008

Published Date 10/17/12 2:12 AM It started as a mashup… INTRO We have everything in place currently to run the channel and scale it up to 100K’s viewers and when the funding comes through we can pay to expand the infustructer to make the channel independent from copurte structures and scalable to much wider ardencies.…

A personal perspective of trade union organising the NUJ DM

Published Date 10/6/12 12:13 AM Some feeling about my personal experience of old school democratic trade unionism. Friday Night Had an interesting, disquieting conversation tonight at a social event after the work of the NUJ delegate meeting. I had been visiting the delegate meeting room every so often to dip in to try and engage…

The Stupidly Simple Open Media Network

A common database of media metadata exchanged by RSS in and out, using open industrial standards and neutral unbranded widgets. 2. Is anyone doing something like this now and how is your project different? (30 words) There are many aggregators of news (eg, or but they aggregate with whole rss feeds not tags, and new…

The Proposal an interactive website which genuinely builds radical media

Published Date 9/28/11 9:28 AM Hi Everyone I’m writing to reflect a bit on the process we currently have for making a website appropriate for the RMC, an interactive website which genuinely builds radical media. This proposal also reflects, to be honest, my great anxiety about it. My position comes from the fact I really…

The battle for the internet is switching from a cold war to a hot war

Published Date 12/12/10 12:41 AM The battle for the internet is switching from a cold war to a hot war, and the proxy battles over piracy have spilled into the open war over freedom of speech. The government/corporate extra-judicial attacks on the funding and domains of such groups as wikileaks and the counter-attacks of groups…