New journalism Stories grow from the soil

Published Date 4/24/13 10:33 PM

This is two draft’s of a project for the end of the summer


Stories grow from the soil, they grow from social/geologic conflicts. Thus an interesting place to start a story is from the mud and dust where it stands. With this in mind we are fundraising to offer new perspectives on an urgent reality. We will walk across Israel for 6 weeks, interviewing people in the communities we pass through. The countries’ perspectives will come from the actual grassroots, from the mud and dust. Traditional media is already covering the story from the top down. Who is covering where it matters?

Visionontv has the track record and expertise to make high quality, immediate reportage available globally. We will be shooting and publishing 3 video interviews a day, 5 days a week (using visionontv’s innovating mobile reporting templates and technology) for a total of nearly 100 interviews. We will build a website to permanently embed these videos as well as syndicating them widely to all contemporary media hosting sites and social networks. We will use visionontv’s auto updating media player to embed the videos widely on appropriate sites around the web. We will work towards having hosting/publishing on partner sites such as (****) in NYC and the (****) in the UK.

We have most of the equipment, time and skills to do this – all we lack is a basic budget.


£3000 to cover 6 weeks of reporting

Video equipment: £300 (external mic, lenses, solar charging set-up)

Second backup camera phone: £500

Air fare £400 x 2 £800

Insurance £50 x 2 £100

Website £300

Subsistence £100 a week (for both) x 6 £600

Backed support (publicity and social media etc) £100 x2

Contingency £200

Total £3000

The plan would be to fund-raise on Kickstarter and ecwip) and leave the UK in *** 1st. 

The modern world is full of seemingly unsolvable problems. The conflict between Palestine and Israel has been ongoing since the 1940’s and has now reached a deadlock. The are some cultural/media crossovers but at visionontv we have a very B&W view of the conflict.   

On visionontv we have been aggregating together all the best non-traditional media news videos into a stream of contemporary media. In the Israel – Palestine conflicts we have had a huge bias towards news from the Palestine perspective (link) which is obviously the opposite of what you would see on traditional media (link). This mismatch is normal for traditional media but problematic if you are interested in building a new, wider/more balanced contemporary media.

Our wider project at visionontv is to template new media techniques  for journalism (link) This is to counteract the normal new media approach, which is to have hundreds of cameras covering the same spot, few of them distributing their images and very few doing the journalism to put it into perspective.

Stories grow from the soil, they grow from social/geologic conflicts. Thus an interesting place to start a story is from the mud and dust where it stands. With this in mind we are fundraising to try a new template – new technology and old paths. We will walk across the countries involved in the conflict for 6 weeks, interviewing normal people in the communities we pass through – the countries’ perspectives will come from the actual grassroots, from the mud. Traditional media is already covering the story topdown. Who is covering where it matters?

We will be shooting and publishing 3 video interviews a day, 5 days a week (using visionontv’s innovating mobile reporting templates and technology) for a total of nearly 100 interviews. We will build a website to permanently host these videos as well as syndicating them widely to all contemporary media hosting sites and social networks. We will use visionontv’s auto updating open media player to embed the videos widely on appropriate sites around the web. We will work towards having hosting/publishing on partner sites such as **** in NYC and the **** in the UK. 

We have most of the equipment, time and skills to do this all we lack is a basic budget.

Budget £2500 to cover 6 weeks of reporting 

Video equipment £200-  external mic-  lenses – solar charging set-up

Second backup camera phone £500

Air fare  £300 x 2   £600

Insurance £50 x 2 £100 

Website £300

Subsistence £100 a week (for both) x 6 £600

Contingency £200

Total  £2500

The plan would be to fund-raise on Kickstarter and acwip and leave the UK in *** 1st.

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