Lets look at some open projects from the perspective of the 4opens Mastodon

Published Date 9/25/17 5:49 PM


Open data – YES Can I save my data?

Yes, some of it! It‘s under Preferences->Data export

Open source – YES


Version 3, 19 November 2007

Open “industrial” standards – YES We are using the OStatus suite of protocols:

  1. Webfinger for user-on-domain lookup

  2. Atom feeds with ActivityStreams, Portable Contacts, Threads extensions for the actual content

  3. PubSubHubbub for subscribing to Atom feeds

  4. Salmon for delivering certain items from the Atom feeds to interested parties such as the mentioned user, author of the status being replied to, person being followed, etc

Open process – YES its organised in a open way on Github

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

Mastodon is a “gold” 4opens project.

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