Lets look at some dotcons from the perspective of the 4opens Facebook

Published Date 9/25/17 5:03 PM


Open data – A small YES and many many NO’s the is a obscured link were you can download a lot of data that facebook holds about you it’s a SMALL YES. But all the interlinking and meta data that is used is hidden and for sale to the higist bidders, a BIG NO.

Open source – NO open licences for the data, its privatised. Some of the backed projects are opensource but not in a really socially useful way – the big project is CLOSED SOURCE.

Open “industrial” standardsthey use um and pervert um to CLOSED

Open process – this is very much CLOSED

So 1/4 of a open for data and 1/4 of a open for source that make 1/2 a open.

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

Facebook is not a 4opens project.

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