Booting up the Open Media Network OMN

Published Date 3/2/13 11:30 AM

The open web is being locked out of the closed web – with share this options replacing web-links and Facebook replacing most peoples blogs. If this continues the “open web” will wither and become dysfunctional and the closed web will grow to become the web for the majority of people. With this change the largest most successful experiment in social change by communication will die.

This is the movement we are supposed to have the LifeRay platform and linking project ready to surf to quote from the article:  

“The promotional leverage that Facebook affords me is not worth the price. Besides, how can I ask you to like me, when I myself must refuse to like you or anything else? I have always appreciated that agreeing to become publicly linked to me and my work online involves trust. It is a trust I value, but — as it is dependent on the good graces of Facebook — it is a trust I can live up to only by unfriending this particularly anti-social social network. Maybe in doing so I’ll help people remember that Facebook is not the Internet. It’s just one website, and it comes with a price.”

As part of building the OMN we have 4parts that already exist:
* newsflash (embeds)
* link database (embeds}
* video player (embeds)
* funding site (networking) 

And we have the new functionality in LR6.1 and social office to build new tools with. OK – is the a possibility on moving on this?

– The funding site has some images, needs the text re-wrighting

– The video embed pages are all in place on the channal pages such as

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