Media Fund

A river that needs crossing political and tech blogs – On the political side, there is arrogance and ignorance, on the geek side there is naivety and over- complexity My videos are on these two youtube channels visionontv 3,832,876 views and undercurrents 22,689,976 views

Trump was chosen and elected by this internet web and more will grow from the dotcons

Published Date 12/15/16 5:05 PM draft The internet has “grown” mind/s of its own. This is a convoluted sketch outline of a core tech/social issue. in the #dotcons Neo Liberalism “free trade” is baked into our dominant online infrastructure, in this it flows freely though society perverting and sickening as it touches. Everything the #dotcons…

The use of language and writing by activists has an impact

Published Date 12/11/16 8:50 PM The use of language and writing by activists has an impact. Possessiveness “us-them” is a root failing in open structures that cant be avoid, BUT, best not to feed it. “Bring your flyers, posters, leaflets, newsletters, news clippings, video footage, photographs, banners, artwork and disobedient objects, and display them in…