Alt Media Grass roots reporting for March 26th TUC Demo

Published Date 3/10/11 1:39 PM

Alt Media + Grass roots reporting for March 26th TUC Demo

Saturday 12th March, 3pm – 6pm @ ULU (as part of March26 AAC Prep Weekend)

Calling all film makers, video shooters, audio recorders and radio enthusiasts, photographers, twitter reporters, DIY media makers, bloggers and writers. Together we are stronger >> Come and prepare and co-ordinate together for covering the massive March 26th demonstrations and actions >> Join Indymedia London and other projects including radio stream coverage, visionOntv and Reel News in discussing and developing plans for collaboration and grass roots reporting of the demonstrations >> If you have a project already underway come and present it, if you want to get involved come along ready to participate.

University of London Union, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY

Room numbers tbc

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