There are many groups walking these paths, join them, and pick up a shovel to compost the mess we leave

On this website, I am advocating for a significant shift away from the current consumer-driven, #capitalist society toward a simpler, more sustainable, and equitable way of living. The path to this thinking is the that our modern lifestyles are neither natural nor necessary, to challenges the assumption that the way we live now is the…

Moving Forward, A Few Practical Suggestions

We likely share a deep frustration with the current state of #mainstreaming society, particularly that people have willingly stayed inside and thus are complicit in the harmful systems perpetuated by #dotcons. How can we emphasize the importance of stepping away from these toxic paths to take genuine openweb paths rather than just renaming or repackaging…

Ideas to build communities on this #KISS path please

To shift society away from heads down worshipping the #deathcult to lifting our heads towards simple sustainable, open, and cooperative change and challenge we need. To push this change information alone is insufficient; instead, we need to focus on fundamentally transforming lifestyles, habits, and world-views, the change, requires more than just intellectual understanding—it requires emotional…

Breaking the circle of #stupidindividualism

One thing, we need to say more is that the right-wing nutters have no brains as conservatism is about not being open to different paths. Our #mainstreaming #fashionistas currently go along with this mess, as the dominant thinking is #stupidindividualism with more “stupid” than individualism in the balance. The problem with conservatism and mainstream conformity,…

The #openweb – Escaping the Grip of the Algorithm

For meany people, the old #dotcons like #Instagram, #Facebook and #Twitter still dominate their online lives, shaping not only what we see but also how we think and interact. These platforms, with their complex algorithms, offer a seductive experience people find hard to resist. The allure is not just in the content they provide, but…

How we bridge current #blocking conversations for change and challenge

There’s an overwhelming amount of toxic nonsense masquerading as “common sense” in our #mainstreaming dialogue. This isn’t just a small problem; it’s a pervasive issue that stifles genuine conversation and constructive change and challenge we need. The challenge is real, but I urge you to take a moment and resist being part of this “common…

The Forgotten Story of Social Technology: Why It Matters

All code is ideology solidified into action – most contemporary code is capitalism, this is hardly a surprise if you think about this for a moment. Yes you can try and act on any ideology on top of this code, but the outcome and assumptions are preprogramed, with this in mind let’s look at a…

A fluffy view of the path, with a touch on spiky

The concept of the “good society” is the most socially profound questions we can ask, especially at this moment of history. When we face the overlapping crises of climate change, political instability, and extreme economic inequality, the question of what constitutes a “good society” becomes urgent and pressing. There should be an obvious view that…

The current “debate” about AI is a distraction #KISS

The debate over AI’s energy consumption is one piece of a larger mess about technological in the face of current existential risks. Yes, #AI’s energy demands are a huge #dotcons waste, but focusing only on this is distracting us from a more #4opens discussions about the underlying ideology and assumptions driving the #geekproblenm technological paths—an…

A case study of upgrading a boat battery system

DRAFT #Renogy is not the best but OK they are a #dotcons so have lots of coupons and discounts think this is 10% off, there should be more, it’s a one shop. Could try a more “native” path of but not as simple, though good if doing the solar panels as well. The…

The West’s Climate-Catastrophe is “native” to the mess we are in

Why do we still worship the #DeathCult? As we stand on the precipice of onrushing #climatechaos and spreading social break down, it should be clear that much of the world remains on the path of what we usefully call the DeathCult—a term to describe the pervasive, destructive ideology that prioritizes power, wealth, and control over…