Human beings are by nature social creatures, we link

“The Ring slowly but inevitably corrupted its bearer, regardless of the bearer’s initial intent. For this reason the Wise, including Gandalf, Elrond, and Galadriel, refused to wield it themselves, but determined instead that it should be destroyed. The corrupting power of the ring was apparently stronger on individuals more inclined to evil and selfishness: it took almost immediate hold of the greedy Sméagol as soon as he saw it, and corrupted Boromir after a few months of near proximity, while its effects were only starting to be seen in the well-meaning Bilbo after his 60 years’ possession.”

On the #openweb the creation of blogging makes personal sites with in reach of a majority of people, the balance between community and individual began to shift. Blogging was about empowering the individual, many geek/fashernista attempts to rebalance this failed, as each tended to be an island, mirroring the individualism of the blogging network they were trying to link. Blogging declined into silo/portals with the growth of SEO and the resulting failer of linking that resulted from this.

In the openweb nothing stayed static, the first to secsede in bringing the social (community) back into this world were the first #dotcon ‘s and the most powerful grew from the worst parts of human nature:

“One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”

This is the shadow of the role of #failbook currently on the #openweb

How to recover from this “capturing of the commons”? One step would be to #reboot the last steps of the #openweb by fixing the balance between individualism in blogging and the community of the human condition. This is surprisingly simple to do, we need to fix the failed  geek/fashernista linking and thus #reboot blogging as a core to the #openweb. Almost everything we need to achieve this already exists, it’s a question of an affinity group kicking it into motion. Who is up for building links?

Let the web of trusted links grow (as this is ALL THE OPEN WEB is) and let the data (#4opens) flow over these links. From this trust building, community comes back into both the online and offline worlds.

And if a Dark Lord (Mr Zuckerburg) and his minions (Mr Trump) offer you a shiny ring – don’t take it.

Open Media Network user story s Lucy

Published Date 12/20/16 9:07 PM

Open Media Network user story’s

Lucy has an old inactive blog about horses. She now has a Facebook page that she uses for this. Less people are seeing her photos/posts than used to look at her blog. She is annoyed by the nagging adverts asking her to pay for people to see her posts.

Lucy sees an advert on blogging one evening after her art class. Signing up she learns about the Open Media Network. She shows the tutor her old blog and her Facebook page. The tutor encourages her to develop her blog by adding more photographs and written material and encouraging her to link her site to other sites with similar interests. The class tutor gets the students to help each other add a sidebar to their sites using OMN tools. She learns that the side bar is called a “blog role”. She soon has a list of local horsey sites and blogs linking off a sidebar. From this class she finds a group of new proto-bloggers to help each other out, they have regular social meetings in her kitchen. Some of them have a lot of internet and IT skills and others are more interested in the content of the blogs. After a few months they setup a local site linking all there blogs together.

A vibrant local online and face to face community starts to emerge and Lucy’s blog gets more and more interest. She hardly looks at Facebook these days.

Thanks John Hoggett

Trump was chosen and elected by this internet web and more will grow from the dotcons

Published Date 12/15/16 5:05 PM


The internet has “grown” mind/s of its own.

This is a convoluted sketch outline of a core tech/social issue.

in the #dotcons Neo Liberalism “free trade” is baked into our dominant online infrastructure, in this it flows freely though society perverting and sickening as it touches. Everything the #dotcons do pushs this poison deeper.

Google links/adsences

Fakenews in “Macedonia”

The populist loon energy of the disempowerd

Trumps melding this to gain personal power

There is a logical feedback loop here that is built into the working everyday internet. The flow of the historical choices/actions shaping our use of the internet are now pushing global political agenda’s. Trump was chosen and elected by this internet/web and more will grow from the #dotcons

The (unthinking) liberal solution of censoring “facknews” makes the issue more dangerous, as in most things the solution is in “open” rather than “closed” in this we have to unravel the current “closed” #dotcons rather digging them in deeper.

Here ends a sketch of a key issue we face today and over the next year.

Ps. jumping on to VPN’s is no core solution just pushing back the issue while digging deeper into it.

Boaters need to act to replace CRT

Published Date 12/15/16 4:56 PM

Boater Life – The Canal and River Trust (CRT) is a two faced org that was set up to enclose and moniterise the waterways. One face is soft and the other hard. Asking them for good outcomes is nieave. Forcing them by a carrot and a STICK is effective as they are also useless, weak and ineffective. In the end boaters need government to replace CRT with an org “outside the market” to treat the water ways as a common good, which they are.

I tried to bring this up at a recent Nbta London gathering when the new boaters were talking about the good ideas CRT should do. Sadly it got a blank response from the room. The idea of asking for a replacement for CRT would scare the shit out of um (stick) and help push good needed stuff (carrot). Of course in the end they need reforming/replacing as their agenda is neo-liberal and incomparable with our boater life which is based on “commons”

Open Spaces and words we use

Published Date 12/15/16 4:53 PM

The use of language and writing by activists has an impact.

Possessiveness “us-them” is a root failing in open structures that cant be avoid, BUT, best not to feed it.

“Bring your flyers, posters, leaflets, newsletters, news clippings, video footage, photographs, banners, artwork and disobedient objects, and display them in the open spaces.”

“your” is possessive the sentence makes just as much sense with out it.

“Bring flyers, posters, leaflets, newsletters, news clippings, video footage, photographs, banners, artwork and disobedient objects, and display them in the open spaces.”

In the second one this is less “us and you” and “one telling the other what to do.”

When working with/in open structures best to just take all the “pointing” words out. Sentences generally work fine with out them.

Just had a “discussion” about this for the expo.

Why do all alt grassroots events have the same speakers

Published Date 12/15/16 4:46 PM

I start to understand why all alt/grassroots events have the same speakers. Looking about you send out invites to everyone who has done it before. To reach out to new people would be taking a risk, would be hard work to hand hold them though the process. The lack of time and resources leaves little focus than to just repeat the past. This is a hard realization and incite into poverty.

Am starting to feel slightly ashamed of not knowing this before. ideas please, we do need to fix this.

Not a #conspiracey rather a #fuckup we are only human.


To be honest you should be commended for putting it all together in the first place. No one else is doing it and it’s essential. Every form of direct action is worthy and amazing given the world we live in.”


1 a bit of mentoring goes a long way
2 offer expenses and look for some funding – either grant funding or crowdfunded
3 offer speaker training events”

Your idea would work if we had the time and the funding, time is relative but funding for alt/left is tiny and hard to get. Almost all left’ish funding is dispelled in #NGO and #fashernista pointlessness. Ideas for diverting some of this waste might be a start? Actually it is a good time to try this, who is up for it?