Published Date 11/6/12 12:50 AM The confrunce venue was evicted just before the event! so it when’t ahead in hackney instead. The Media is Dead, Long Live the Media! May 8th-10th – new media conference on Raven’s Ait Island. The imminent commercial collapse of mainstream media, and its replacement by PR-driven news, threatens the journalistic integrity and…
How do we organise from 19 09 2009
Published Date 11/6/12 12:47 AM This was copied over from the visionontv process page: This is the process of the visionOntv affinity group so far (an affinity group is a trust network) At the core of any affinity group is a core/periphery relationship and a usheraly unspoken way of moving between them. At base, the…
Backup of Couchsurfing profile
From LENALEIA Bratislava, Slovakia Jul 20 Positive A great guy. From Kayte Fairfax London, England May 24 Positive Hamish is a super energetic video activist who is totally committed to his ideals and seeing them enacted in the world. He’s also a damn good vegetarian cook who whips up culinary delights when you least expect it, and loves a good debate!…
The memory hole from 07 09 2010
Published Date 11/1/12 1:45 AM DRAFT The old-mainstream media used to dominate national, international and local news to such an extent that many voices were unheard and any radical story was systemically distorted. With the onward march of the digitisation project (see more info LINK) the old-mainstream media is crumbling with the failer of its…
ESF horizontal and vertical process and how they fail to balance from 27 01 2004 and 23 02 2004
Published Date 10/17/12 3:50 AM In relation to DRAFT – this is a e-mail dialogue that illustrates the issues of horizontal and vertical process and how they fail to balance. Firstly the has been a lot of talk of me as some kind of egotistical anarchist… this is far from the truth, and by long…
F K off and do it your self page from 13 10 2010
Published Date 10/17/12 2:35 AM F***K off and do it your self This is a humorous response page to many quires we get. This project is radically decentralized so you will be continuously disappointed and dis-empowered if you keep asking permission before you do things. LINK And if you continuously need the “centre” to mediate…
Interesting for me look at were how we started our project from 13 04 2008
Published Date 10/17/12 2:12 AM It started as a mashup… INTRO We have everything in place currently to run the channel and scale it up to 100K’s viewers and when the funding comes through we can pay to expand the infustructer to make the channel independent from copurte structures and scalable to much wider ardencies.…
A post from 19 09 2009 The is a whole load of fake citizen journalism going on
Published Date 10/17/12 1:47 AM The is a whole load of fake citizen journalism thought going on in this debate Basically “professionals” here see citizen journalism as a way of getting raw material so that they can do “real” journalism on the cheap. But the role of the paid professional journalist is almost eliminated…