Why #AI is more #techshit

A podcast of our weak liberals taking on the subject of #AI https://flex.acast.com/audio.guim.co.uk/2024/07/15-61610-gnl.sci.20240715.eb.ai_climate.mp3 it gives you a #mainstreaming view of the mess we are making on this path. The big issue is not the actual “nature” of AI, though that is not without its own issues, what I am covering here is that #AI is…

The hashtag #deathcult is a highly charged but uncontroversial characterization of #neoliberalism.

The hashtag #deathcult is a highly charged but uncontroversial characterization of #neoliberalism. The #hashtag was coined by #hamishcampbell on his blog (http://hamishcampbell.com) from long expirence of protest, this came to a head at the launch of Extinction Rebellion (XR) a global environmental activist movement that seeks to raise awareness about the urgent threat of climate…

If you cant understand ideolagy, you generaly cannot “think”

Thinking about #Ideology plays a role in shaping society as it provides a framework for understanding the world and determining values, beliefs, and principles that guide behaviour and decision-making. By understanding a society’s #mainstreaming ideologies, we can better understand its political, social, and cultural institutions, as well as the motivations behind various actions and decisions.…

This is a way of stepping away from the post-truth would

Please look at the underlining agender BEFORE pushing “new” ideas please. * Conservatism/right wing is based on fear and the resulting desire for control. * Progressive/left wing is based on cooperation and trust with the resulting desire for freedom. Yes this is muddled by right wing agenders to push their lies. Don’t be a #fashernista…