A conversation on trust/control in social technology

Q. In a nutshell, my manifesto could be “form your own little communities and federate them” A. What would be the “common” understanding/agreements/standards that would bridge these communities, or would it Only be code, if only code what standards? Q. Federation just depends upon the willingness to do so. The code is just the plumbing…

We live in a world full of monsters dressed in fluffy clothes

Monsters, scratch our fluff crew, and they turn spiky, repression is a universal human problem to be mediated. The subject of the fluffy/spiky debate – respect for diversity and the desire for debate based on this respect is a core outcome. We need to build bridges. If you suffer from stress in this context, please…

Been takeing part in online #openweb events – and resisting the urge to bite people.

Looking at this event https://2021.ngiforum.eu Way to meany stuffed shirts, technological fantasists (blockchain) and a lot of #EU money what could go wrong… Spent a hour looking through the list of participants opening in new tab all that said something interesting. Of these more than 2/3’s had the tag blockchain so closed them, and then…

outreaching ActivityPub to the EU – draft

This was an interesting process playing a role to do the document – outreaching ActivityPub to the EU https://pad.public.cat/p/ngi0-ec-activitypub-liaison-presentation-2021-04-19#/13 Good to get an outcome from this: #activertypub as a cross-platform standard for #dotcons who operate in EU funding to further this – we would need democratic structures in the #fedivers style to make this real…

The great hack

This is a bad documentary telling a needed story. Its #tredtionalmedia liberal media pushing dysfunctional people at us. The was a generation of actavists telling this obvious story. Its intresting that they are not the story. Liberal documentary makeing always has a limited view, this is a particularly bad example. Its got a sad ending…

Capitalism is now visibly a #deathcult its basic stuff

Reminder: Climate Change Was No Accident As far back as 1982, fossil fuel executives knew they were trading a few… Q. I notice you have used the #deathcult hashtag a few times recently on posts about capitalism, neo-liberalism and green consumerism, so I thought I would look it up. Wikipedia says that Death Cult may…