Why did the #openweb flower and die over the last 30 years

Published Date 2/22/16 1:17 AM Why did the thousands of open internet projects fail? despite the state, foundation, #NGO funding. The were early successful atavist tech projects, all proved to be pointless or withered with success. In all cases I would argue that the underlining failer was one of ideology, almost all projects worked against…

Some questions came out of the last grassroots media gathering about OMN

Published Date 10/19/15 8:54 PM Questions and draft answers in terms of what I don’t understand it is what do sites specifically have to do? * At a basic level very little. – output an RSS feed of their articles/videos/podcasts (most sites do this already) – grab a sidebar embed code (or CMS plug-in) then…

Lets look for a moment at sanity in grassroots terms

Published Date 2/23/15 3:24 PM The are a lot of “insane” people in activism and counter-culture, its what makes it exciting, dynamic and affective. However with everything its a question of balance, lets look at how a movement stagnates, fails or growes and blossems. A short off the top of head list NGO’ists push limited…

Real Media Gathering how not to reboot grassroots media

Published Date 2/11/15 4:46 PM Draft Firstly, I don’t have any ill will to the people I know organising this event and would love it to succeed in being a part of the kindling to (re)light the fire of alt-media. But we have 3 main problem groupings/failures blocking grassroots media (culture) from rebooting Let’s look…

Were are we

Published Date 11/21/14 3:20 PM Its important to understand the perspective/world view am coming from to understand what am saying about the state of the alternative. Anarchist/socialist/libertarian/liberal leaning on the start and tapering off the end… am reacting against Hierarchical/conservative/authoritarian. This is a classic enlightenment divide so we should all be well aware of living…

Hard or Soft is the question

Published Date 6/22/13 6:03 PM The are two types of security in activism (DRAFT) The is the outline of what am talking about here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_security Hard security “hard security for traditional mechanisms like authentication and access control, and soft security for social control mechanisms.” Encryption and anonymity, hiding communication so that people can trust that there…