Liberal trolls – are often not WHO they think they are

DRAFT to be edited It’s hard to get a thried out of mastodon, hopeful this is in the right order and not missing bits. As usually, if you would like to be anonymous with no linking please say so, thanks. Made a blog post, if you reply your text might be added to…

Hamish Campbell is an activist and filmmaker

Hamish Campbell is an activist and filmmaker who gained attention for capturing footage of a police raid on the Independent Media Center in 2001. His footage was used in court and led to several police officers being disciplined and sacked. Campbell continues to work in media activism, founding the group #VisionOnTV, which aims to create…

Lets look at non #mainstreaming ideas – Anarchism

Anarchism seeks to abolish forms of government and hierarchy, and to create a society based on voluntary association and mutual aid. * More direct democracy: Anarchism advocates for direct democracy, where decisions are made by the people involved, rather than by a representative or governing body. * Greater freedom: Anarchism seeks to maximize freedom, by…

The #OMN is about creating horizontal scaling of social power

The #OMN approach is to focus on building practical tools and solutions that are grounded in real-world experience and that can be adopted by grassroots activists and communities. The goal is to empower individuals and groups to take control of their own media and communication channels, and to build a decentralized and autonomous network that…

What is the #OGB

The process is meant to be messy, and there are no set laws or statutes, but instead a growing body of mythos and traditions that people can reference when making decisions. The model also includes the power of recall for both “The Voices” and “The Body” to ensure accountability and maintain trust within the community.…

People BLOCKING the needed process, or more normally simply ignore it.

If you keep doing the same thing, there will be the same outcome. Different world views have different process and sometimes different outcomes. All the #OMN projects are based on a different world view that we know can work to build “society” with scaling limitations and combining this with using #openweb tech that we know…

All good progressive society are based on trust, which is about giving up this desire

#encryptionists is about the feeling of total control that encryption gives the #geekproblem this is key because all good progressive society are based on trust, which is about giving up this desire. The problem in “geek” is the problem of socialization… a known geek issue 🙂 in itself is fine, am not judging. BUT this…

#mainstreaming is obviously a #deathcult we do need to keep saying this

#mainstreaming is obviously a #deathcult we do need to keep saying this. There are well document alt’s that I push with every use of the hashtags #OGB #OMN #4opens etc. The problem we way too often face is people wanking liberal “common sense” in the era of the #deathcult so need to make this point…