This is a #lifecult that has been overwhelmed with the mess we all push. The activists are shovelling and composting for the first time in 40 years faster than we all spread shit over the world. Help them please, don’t be a “common sense” #deathcult worshipper. This is a #deathcult the only power the isolated…
Talking about #hashtags
We need to think of a serendipity view of how #hashtags work and how our coder kings implement them (#feudalism). Not saying this is a good aproch… i don’t know… but spelling hashtags “wrong” makes their use in categorization and sorting work differently. Might be worth thinking if this could add value or is purely…
Best to start from #KISS the left is based on trust and open culture.
Best to start from #KISS the left is based on trust and open culture. Moving away from this the left has destroyed itself over the last 40 years. * The #fashernista embracing of postmodernism * The soft left embrace of the “common sense” of neoliberalism Combined, these have undermined the foundations the left is built…
Talking to the Oxford Academics
Academics writing and thinking on activism tends to be bad because the sources are outa date and second hand, and the people who acutely want to talk to academics are the #fashernistas who have little idea of how things work in activism. Put this into the academic feedback loop, and you have something that looks…
Thoughts on my 3ed Oxford seminar
Most academy is about building consensus on how to name things. Am at a Oxford seminar on Deepfakes & Disinformation (Cassidy Bereskin) which is doing this, maybe discourse after, let’s see. The events are status games, to establish a place in #mainstreaming hierarchy with the subject they are working on. There is little if any…