Lets build a real world example base on the OMN tools set- a indymeda instance/network.

Looking at this very simply they are two pools of data – trusted and moderated – the trusted data is displayed on the site and flows out from the site as feeds. – the moderated is displayed on a back end moderation/draft feed the mods of the site get to decide what to do with…

Report back on #XR peertube/youtube video posting experiment

Report back on peertube/youtube video posting experiment. #XR video posted only to peertube got 18 views in 48 hours. Video posted only to youtube got 26 views in 24 hours so far. Both videos were nice fluffy #XR shared widely in meany #dotcons groups with 1-10k subscribers so in theory to 20-50k people based on…

Let think about where the #BLOCKS are on grassroots media.

#stupidindividualism and the #deathcult that breeds this 1) One of the main ones is co-option by #NGO agender, both, by organizations who push for “common sense” #dotcons paths and individuals who strive to build their careers by trampling over the grassroots horizontality. 2) Second, I know a lot of people who would fuck over the…