
A #4opens review of

The :

Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project with out this open they cannot work.

* there is no way to get your data out or to access the metadata. Its copyright. No open

Open source – as in “free software” this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have ain’t perfect but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.

* its closed source on the surface, not obvious what is happening under the surface. No open

Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understood but core open, it’s what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline

* no RSS I can see, its a basic website I think with a forum? No open

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together.

* it’s a forum so kinda open process but no look at the running of the project. 1/2 open

To sum up, its a project that could be made more if the was a communerty involved. this depends on the guys running it and there tech support being willing and having time to push the project out into the “commons”.

At the moment is a dormant seed #dotcons

1/2 open out of 4 so not a project.


Please remember that just about everything around you is pushing the #deathcult

Please remember before posting liberal stuff that just about everything around you and meany things you think you value are in reality a part of the #deathcult

Neoliberalism that we live and breath is the coureas of our current mess, not Trump or Brexit, they are outcomes. So when you look at any solution is it a “common sense” neoliberal idea or something else? Please think about the #deathcult before you share propaganda on #dotcons



How not to spead #deathcult propaganda on the #dotcons

Neoliberalism that we live and breath is the coureas of our current mess, not Trump or Brexit, they are outcomes. So when you look at any solution is it a “common sense” neoliberal idea or something else? Please think about the #deathcult before you share propaganda on #failbook


The great hack

This is a bad documentary telling a needed story.

Its #tredtionalmedia liberal media pushing dysfunctional people at us. The was a generation of actavists telling this obvious story. Its intresting that they are not the story. Liberal documentary makeing always has a limited view, this is a particularly bad example.

Its got a sad ending the liberals at TED pleading with the tech gods to not be evil with a knowing wink that they will be ignored. But the liberals will still build there lives in this mess. The is no alternative inside liberalism in the data era its sadly a #deathcult

A needed story, told by the chattering classes.


What duse a 4opens world look like

Throwing ideas into the air to see were they land. Lets think of ideas for what a post world looks like in the digital era.

Its a soft move away from capitalism.

* end of money as the motivating factor of exchange. With opendata exchanges can be balanced by open algorithms

* big reductions in inequality due to democratic control of common digital/physical infrastructure.

* as the growth in digital goods the will be ecological outcomes due to the end of consumption as the bases of our economy and human needs.

* more and deeper connections to communertys due to knowingly people better and ease of keeping and building open networks.

* we would have to rethink meany things that now seem to be common sense.

* the idea of privacy has already changed in the #dotcons era. We have no privacy within the corporate structures and the state. This has already happened and is core to the data drivern digital era.

* the is no real legal or technical option to close this so the only option we have is to open this magic meta data bag. This will fundamentally changes our ideas of privacy and rights.

* what would this post capitalist open society look like?


The question of who has access to data and more importantly metadata.

Lets look for a moment at a fundamental question few people are asking that already shapes society and will drive social change in the next 50 years.

The question of who has access to data and more importantly metadata.

* Open – everyone can use most of the data and all the meta data

* Closed- only you can use the data only corporations and governments can use most of the metadata.

* Hybrid- the data is open to the hosting corporation, governments and companies that pay for it. Your friends can see only what you share with them. The metadata is owned by the corporations used by governments.

The future will be dominated by this issue if computer networks keep running during the #climatechaos disaster.


Not much is radical

Putting content into #dotcons is a feed back loop which has marginal (and reducing) affect as for example all your doing is teaching the #failbook algorithms how to sell you and everyone who interacts with your content more “stuff” and in the functionality ideological mind/social control of you and yor community.

Its very easy to have a #flamewar on #failbook as it drives ad views for the #dotcons. If you are progressive you could have a sensibly conversation on the #openweb with a few million other people were human activerty/community not ad driven consumerism is the outcome

The is a fundamental harm as i outline in other replays. Not knowing you are doing harm is no defence. please step away from the #deathcult