The use of language and writing by activists has an impact

Published Date 12/11/16 8:50 PM

The use of language and writing by activists has an impact.

Possessiveness “us-them” is a root failing in open structures that cant be avoid, BUT, best not to feed it.

“Bring your flyers, posters, leaflets, newsletters, news clippings, video footage, photographs, banners, artwork and disobedient objects, and display them in the open spaces.”

“your” is possessive the sentence makes just as much sense with out it.

“Bring flyers, posters, leaflets, newsletters, news clippings, video footage, photographs, banners, artwork and disobedient objects, and display them in the open spaces.”

In the second one this is less “us and you” and “one telling the other what to do.”

When working with/in open structures best to just take all the “pointing” words out. Sentences generally work fine with out them.

Just had a “discussion” about this for the expo.


participative facilitation teaches this

participative and inclusive

it needs one facilitator and the goal is that everyone become able to take the facilitator role

Activism and flaring egos go hand in hand

Working on what became known as the “resistance exhibition”

Activism and flaring egos go hand in hand

Well, that almost went well with editing the headboards for the activist project. Shame on us all for it degenerated into shit behaver for the last 45 min.

It’s understandable X wanting a say on the project – an open way to do it would have been to say, let’s make some changes to this KEY doc and discus it for a bit. Then do it.

The doc had been though at least 4 drafts and was waiting for a polish at this stage. This drafting had shaped it as an “open process” without the “you-me” that often peppers language. The definitions (subjects) were all outside on the boards rather than in the intro. This left open and inviting space to take part.

At this stage, while already over time, the way people acted was like lighting a match to a messy explosion. When Y attempt to mediate then closed the job half done, with Z coming in blind, a nasty mess was (hopefully) resolved in a nasty way. We did not need this to happen.

#Openprocess is not a solution, but it helps.

The Roman Empire is old hat

Comparing the US global role to the Roman Empire is an old hat. Today we are seeing the “declining” face of this comparison. Trump is selling off “offices” to the highest bidders and drawing power around him self and his family.

The White House will be filled with toads and hangers on, the “court” made up of greed distracted by “reality TV” display with power politics hiding its ugly face behind this show.

In the US the left is lost/divided/bickering without any alt when/if Trump “dynasty” plan fails it is likely to be challenged by the next demagogue who will be more militant and corrupt.

In the UK the “open’ish” left wing Momentum ( failed in its foundation to embody “openness” growing out of the shadows of the Labor Party left/right trench war. Ones a project is in motion it becomes hard, soon, impossible, to have openness at its core. The first lies, the first power politics used to shape outcomes, each is a step, that closes openness as an organizing option.

The undead left have nested and are now ripping at the core of the Momentum project tearing and dispoling to draw all power around their shadow selves. The “open’ish” crew are likely to flee leaving the innocent youth drown into the one’s bright surfaces and shadowing interea shell of “Momentum”. This idealistic flow will be drained of blood and energy in till momentum, broken and dull, is used up and discarded.

The predatory undead left move on, every seeking, young blood to fill their dusty/empty veins. Dogmatism (magnetism) and manipulation of power (mysticism) bureaucracy to grab, gut and drain the possibility of the left.

Am actively working on two projects based on commons and open process, the first is self defined and drawing interest the #OMN with the #4opens at its core could stand up to the “closed” negative. The second the Activist Expo and Archive has been setup with the , but they were not strongly embedded. As new people arrived the opens fell away, were pushed away, “closed” was a process that became normal.

It is now a challenge to bring back into place, ones “closed” has a foot hold and the pushing and pulling, grabbing and ripping starts it blocks open because in an open space “pushing and pulling, grabbing and ripping” can be seen, people are naked in their power plays. Shit stinks and nobody want to be seen covered in it.

Open has the power to keep the left from “ripping apart” what we do then is up to us. This would be a nice place to be.

I don’t have solutions for the USA. Unless Momentum has a squad of vampire slayers to pull the shade away and let the sun in, its future is likely to be drained into an empty husk. The #OMN if the first raft of tech works could be a part of the world we won’t. The expo is in crises, shit is seeping in from the old cracks, the course we have: paper them over and carry on to NGO burn out little outcome/failer or lay a soled foundation of “open” to build a real left on.

If the left in the UK cannot #reboot into something useful, we are facing our own “Trump” as the climate crisis hits home. The undead “left” vampires are a tiny number and powerless in face of sunlight (open). The OMN hopefully will embed the strongly unf from the #bootup that the commons can be sustained as it grows. The expo is tilting between “closed” and “open” the is an obvious need for mediation, am going to keep opening the “curtains” lets see what outcome can be achieved.

The left failed is sad and bad, and will be fatal for million of people over the next century.

The world is open for change

* Old paths have visibley vanished
* People are up for doing things different
* Funders are up for funding different
* The new “commons” is infernat and as much as the #dotcons grab the is more.
* Socerty is being #reboot ‘ed (trump, brixet etc.)
* Our planet is likely to #reboot with out us (climate change)

We don’t have to be slaves, we do have to create a new path, am suggesting the #4opens as a way of mediating the path we have to take. Trump etal is suggesting the #4closed I think 4 is a nice number anyone think of what the are?

Am I being flipernt, nop, am not. I am being seruase, the one thing Trump made obvues was that if you repeat something anufe it comes into existences – try thinking about the then repeating it a lot – its a bit like casting a spell – words have power.

If you wont to “take” the world the is a way to do it ethically and it has power to get round meany of the current #blocks