A world to win

The possibility of building a better, more just world feels distant. The systems that dominate our lives, hegemonic neo-liberalism, appear immovable, and we have few credible alternatives to offer in response.

Over the past 40 years, we’ve witnessed the decay of leftist thinking and action. The hierarchical, centralised movements of the 20th century, like “Stop the War,” have given way to the fragmented and often ineffectual anarchy of 21st-century efforts such as “Climate Camp.” The once-open internet, which birthed the World Wide Web, has been consumed by the closed silos of the #dotcons. Apple, Failbook, and their locked-in app ecosystems have turned the dream of a decentralised, open web into a corporate-controlled nightmare.

Our political institutions, once intended to serve the public, have been captured by corporations. As George Monbiot has pointed out, they now function primarily to entrench the interests of the powerful. In this context, the left has been reduced to little more than shadow puppets performing on a cardboard stage, even as Climate Change and rampant neo-liberal inequality consume everything we once held dear.

A world to win? There are many overlapping tributaries feeding into the wide river of sustainability and justice. The river exists, visible and real, but fragmented efforts and entrenched power block our paths. The open internet still survives, for now, and we have the tools to use it. But what we lack is the will, the imagination, and the cooperation necessary to move together in any meaningful direction. Our political institutions, though decayed and leaning under the weight of corruption, still exist and offer pathways for resistance and reform, if we can muster the strength to use them.

Climate Change is inevitable, a tidal wave of disruption and devastation that will wash around the globe. In the rich West, we will feel its impact less severely in the early stages. This privilege gives us a unique position to influence the outcome. The question is, will we use it?

Decentralised, renewable power is an inevitability, no matter how much the neo-liberal establishment clings to its failing systems. The transition will happen, and it will mediate the ecological transformation that climate change demands. But how this transition unfolds, who it benefits, and who it leaves behind is still to be determined.

The world is in flux. The river of justice and sustainability is there, waiting for us to wade in. But it will take more than fragmented movements, captured institutions, or passive hope. It will take bold action, creative cooperation, and a willingness to fight for a better world.

The possibility of winning a world worth living in still exists—but only if we have the courage to seize it.

Published Date 7/31/15 2:03 PM

A world to win

The possibility of building a better more just world is far away.

We have no alternatives to offer to the hegemonic neo-liberalisam.

Over the last 20 years we have a decay of left thinking and action.

From the 20th century hierarchical “stop the war”

To the 21st century anarchy of “climate camp”

The open internet which gave birth to the World Wide Web has fallen into the dotcom silos and locked in app echo systems of Apple and Failbook.

Our political institutions have been captured by corporations (Monbiot)

The left is little but shadow puppets playing on a cardboard stage, while Climate Change in hand with rampant neo liberal inequality are burning all that we ones held dear.

A world to win?

The are many of overlapping tributary’s to the wide river of sustainability and justice, the river is there for us to see.

The open internet is still their for a while longer and we have the tools to use it, just not the wile and co-operation to move anywhere.

Our “democraticish” political institutions are still in place (though leaning with decay)

Climate change is going to wash around the world, initially we in the rich west will be less affected than the rest of the world, this gives us a privileged place to affect the outcome of this wave of disruption and devastation. We will have power to challenge the outcome.

Moving to decentralised renewable power is inevitable (no matter what the neo-liberal fools do) this will mediate the eco-transformation climatechange brings.


The problem of the chattering classes in activism

Published Date 7/21/15 9:35 PM


All the quotes are from Oscar Wild.

“If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend to be bad, it doesn’t. Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism.” LADY WINDERMERE’S FAN

The chattering classes are a problem, they are a clear and present block on social change, they colonise successful grassroots movements. They take up dominant mind share and spend all of the institutional funding on pointless fashion/NGO projects.

Middle class privilege and education dulled by post-modernist “thinking” combine to make their voices loud and persuasive in the blandness of surtatety. They smother the creative sparks in the dampness of their passions, mind space is watered to a diluteness that kills the thinking of movements, the slightest change is dampened and reversed.

“Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everybody in good society holds exactly the same opinions.”

The chattering classes while being generally lovely people are a problem for the very needed possibility of an alternative to our current society. And its hard to right or talk about this issue with out seaming petty.

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their life a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”  DE PROFUNDIS

What is to be done? Think the can be overlapping strategy’s to address this, one would be small affinity groups working on different project based on common standereds so they interact and build on each other. The other would be the old left postative discrimination – though this it self is often “captured”. Ideas please?

“Never speak disrespectfully of Society, Algernon. Only people who can’t get into it do that.”

Smartphone Solar Charging

Published Date 7/16/15 3:20 PM

Am thinking of running a workshop on small scale solar power.

Here is an example of a cheap set-up that will run your large smart phone (and charge a tablet)

This a Samsung Note phone to give you an idea of the size.

The panel is rate at 1amp were the 6000mAh pass through USB battery is rated at 2.1amp’s

Thus the set-up will charge your phone as fast as if it was plugged into the wall, using the battery as a reserve of power to achieve this.

This is a light weight and cheap solution costing less than £40 a realy usefull travel and adventure tool.

Mobile Solar power for a laptop

Published Date 7/16/15 3:08 PM

Am thinking about running a workshop on portable solar power.

This is 32w folding solar panel with a battery pass through DC to DC transformer and 13′ video editing laptop running adobe CS.

All Folds up and fits in a laptop bag.

The solar costs £200-250 and you need a relatively expensive ultra book with 3D graphics card to do CS editing. Portable solar will struggle to power a full sized editing laptop. Total cost just over £1000

How to re boot grassroots media to help to re boot the open web to create real social change

Published Date 7/13/15 1:43 PM


We need to get our current dispurate and weak activist sites to link to each other, then get NGO’s to do the same. Then push out news river embeds to more mainstream sites to expand the network.

This project needs to be run as a non-branded open network based on open social and technical standereds.

The social side is based on linking flows of information.




Of course you can and should be all of the above, but to aid expansion and growth this is not insisted on.

The first two paths are easey, the last more complex:

* Producers, this is any web site that puts out an RSS feed, this is most sites on the internet [tick]

* Consumers, are at a basic level very easy to do using a javascript sidebar code or a custom CMS plug-in using the javascrit plugin the barrier to upkeep is slight so this can spread easily. [half tick]

* Aggregates are slightly more complex as they will need custom codeing, this all ready exists in a basic form for Drupal and WordPress and the miro project. [needs work]

As the production side is already solved and the consumers side is relatively trivial this only leaves the Aggreaters as a steep path to take. We have a small budget to kick this off and is technically feasible.

The second part needed is actually the more complex one, how to get groups and individuals to implement open cooperative working practices. The issues that have to be bypassed/addressed/ignored:

* Geek culture is infeactured with encryption and fake technical privacy, this is fading with the victory of failbook and its fellow dotcoms and the disintegration and fading into obscurity of the geek privacy projects. But this will comeback and bite at the OMN as it grows out and builds the basic open tech. So we have to harden the project against this agenda by codeing the opens into the foundations of the project.

* The Trots and the Authoritarian tendency left jumping on the band wagon, this is solved in the same way as the geek problem as they actually share the same pathology of the 20th century illusion of control.

* NGO’s this is solved by moving to fast for them to react, if we get bogged down this might become an issue of co-option. Keep moving fast.

To sum up build soled open foundations and keep moving fast.

How would the project look/feel

The open web and the sites that make it up would look much like they look today.

But the OMN project would socialise linking and sharing to create a network out of all the small disparate bits that make up the remains of this fading open web.

Production and consumption sites would gain a sidebar containing realtime updating links to “tag” based rivers of relevant content.

Aggregating sites would contain rivers of subject based content that they would sive and add value to be re-tageing. And creating meta articles linking to original sources. The feeds that production and consumption sites display would come from one of these aggreating sites.

The network would grow out organicly based on subject:

* a aggregating site could only handeal so many feeds before the human moderates are overwlemed this would lead to specialisation and a hirakey of subject aggreaters that would organicly mirror the existing real social interest groups.

* we would end up with specialisation, and a shifting network of overlapping bottom, middle and top sites which would all find ordnances and drive traffic back to the producing sites that feed the network.

* bottom sites would aggregate mostly original producer sites, middle sites would aggregate a mixture of original sites and tags from subject based bootem sites, finally the top sites would aggregate tag based feeds from the middle sites.

How would this look to the “users”

* It would be much easer for “normal” users to find relevant content on subjects that they are interested in, they would be introduced back to the open web by links on #failbook and #juduceserche engine. This growth of traffic would re-energise peoples websites and inspire the upgrading of meny moribund website projects and a move away from current hegemonic dotcom aggregation of #failbook and its siblings.

How would it affect “producers”

* publish ones and your content appears on 100’s of sites driving traffic and commenting back to your blog/website and away from #failbook atel. The open web is being straggled by the pay to view throttling on these copurte silos, its a no brainier to move to escape this now. With the increased trafic you can put energy into upgrading your existen website to make it more relevant, the OMN would be active in providing the open tools and plug ins to make this happen.

What would this look like from tech prospective:

KISS open industrial standards based on trust and redundant data roll-back back functions to Handel the breakdown of trust that will happen some times.

RSS will be used as a database object exchange format, a tagging taxonermy will be used to shift and create the flows of these objects. Subscribing to tag based RSS feeds will be the bases of the trust network.

Open databases will hold duplicate meta data linking back to the original source of the RSS object.

*** the is a creative way of making the consumption of content more transparent and develop/user friendly – this will be talked about later ***

RSS feed aggregation would be base on trusted, strate through or moderated ie adding to a moderation cue in the aggregating sites.


3 months to build the seed aggreaters and basic javescript embeds/plugins

6 months to build out the seed networks

9 months to major launch

12 months to being a real alternative and play a role in saving the open web.

Food for thinking:

If you think this sounds oldfaserned you would be right it is, its the basics that needs to happen to create a pool of metadate enhanced media objects. What happens after this? for ideas will add some links:



Published Date 7/7/15 10:50 AM

Boaters are a vibrant minority culture living a parallel life in the heart of our cities and countryside. They are currently under threat from Insidious gentrification. The Village Hall Butty will give them a space to gather and celebrate their community. The aim is to create a floating village hall for boaters, local residents and the myriad of people who visit the towpath every year. Through social events, skill sharing workshops, regular clubs and other activities – they aim to create a vital hub for information and advice with a focus on promoting sustainable living, integrating communities and protecting and enjoying the waterways.

To make this communal space on the London waterway a reality we need to raise the Crowdfunder target of £5000 in a few days time. We have raised more than half of our target now and funds are being sought via www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-village-butty

The brainchild of Alice Cade, Ian Horrocks and James Bentley, seasoned boaters who have lived on the canals and rivers for many years, the event aims to bring together the boating and land based community to enjoy and celebrate the waterways and the variety of people who use them.

Please help keep the village hall afloat for the local community to enjoy for years to come. Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/thevillagebutty or Crowdfunder www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-village-butty

One of the regular “jam on the butty sessions” the butty providing a space for local acoustic music