
Lets look at some alt projects from the perspective of the 4opens thecanary

Published Date 9/27/17 11:41 AM

Open data the site has a RSS feed, but contet copyright so ½ of a open

Open source –  wordpress so a open

Open “industrial” standards – Well WordPress is kinda a standard, they support RSS but no podcasts and all media on closed corporate accounts so ½ a open

Open process – Process is opaque (likely closed) for content. No open

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

thecanary is Bronze project.


Lets look at some alt projects from the perspective of the 4opens Novaramedia

Published Date 9/26/17 12:05 PM

Open data the site has RSS output and a API running on a custom version of wordpress (that is on github) so it kinda has opendata, would need clarification to confirm. ½ a open for now.

Open source – Yep the site is opensource and it up on github, the content licensing is not not stated so ½ a open till clarification.

Open “industrial” standards – Well wordpress is kinda a standard, they support RSS, podcasting and seam to have a open API. Will give them a open.

Open process – Process is opaque (likely closed) for content but the code is on Github for tech. That ½ a open

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

Novaramedia is a “bronze or silver” 4opens project depending on clarification.


Lets look at some open projects from the perspective of the 4opens Mastodon

Published Date 9/25/17 5:49 PM

Open data – YES Can I save my data?

Yes, some of it! It‘s under Preferences->Data export

Open source – YES


Version 3, 19 November 2007

Open “industrial” standards – YES We are using the OStatus suite of protocols:

  1. Webfinger for user-on-domain lookup

  2. Atom feeds with ActivityStreams, Portable Contacts, Threads extensions for the actual content

  3. PubSubHubbub for subscribing to Atom feeds

  4. Salmon for delivering certain items from the Atom feeds to interested parties such as the mentioned user, author of the status being replied to, person being followed, etc

Open process – YES its organised in a open way on Github

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

Mastodon is a “gold” 4opens project.


Lets look at some dotcons from the perspective of the 4opens Facebook

Published Date 9/25/17 5:03 PM

Open data – A small YES and many many NO’s the is a obscured link were you can download a lot of data that facebook holds about you it’s a SMALL YES. But all the interlinking and meta data that is used is hidden and for sale to the higist bidders, a BIG NO.

Open source – NO open licences for the data, its privatised. Some of the backed projects are opensource but not in a really socially useful way – the big project is CLOSED SOURCE.

Open “industrial” standardsthey use um and pervert um to CLOSED

Open process – this is very much CLOSED

So 1/4 of a open for data and 1/4 of a open for source that make 1/2 a open.

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

Facebook is not a 4opens project.


Don t trust the fashernista

Published Date 9/25/17 4:24 PM

Thinking about Uber and the dysfunction of Facebook.

Its time to #reboot many part’s of the #openweb With the “visibility” of the failing of #dotcon such as #failbook privacy/obscured agronomic control of you, #uber and the race to the bottom culture.

The will be a plausible “class” of people who come up with convincing sounding solutions, these #fashernista are not part of any solution and are a clear and historical core to our failers in the past.

I understand its hard to see the differences of tech projects what is worth supporting and what not. We have issues from two different directions that have to at least a little understood to have a hope of supporting projects that have the possibility to be part of a real LINKING alt.

* #fashernista thinking/working

* the #geekprobelm

These are opposite side to the same coin.

“A river that needs crossing – On the political side, there is arrogance and ignorance, on the geek side there is naivety and over complexity”

A good first step solution to both is the

They will dis-empower the worst of the #fashernista thinking by shining light on their actions and mediate to a better outcome the “closing push” of the #geekproblem by keeping the LINKING in place.

Simple and sweet a first step solution in a hash tag 😉


Castle Pond Pong Pollution

The pond has been drained with no sea water access black stinking water the worst we have seen

A look at were alt grassroots media is at

Published Date 9/17/17 10:02 AM

A look at some of the current alt/radical media projects in the UK

Novra media

These guys are some of the most intelligent “idiots” I know. They produce good content and they produce a lot of it.




You can see them trying to build themselves into the new Guardian/Buzzfeed/***media. The root problem am hoping is the limited understanding/interest of the open web due to them having built there careers inside the #dotcons of Twitter and Facebook etc. In this the is hope for these guys.


The now “old” upstarts who keep getting it wrong by building something that might have been the thing to do if they had done it 10 years ago and most importantly as a open network rather than a closed portal.



Hard to say if the is hope for them.

The Canary

The tabloid of left alt-media, my thought is that am glad some one is doing these and its not me 🙂





Now these guys would be valuable as part of a Open Media Network (OMN) partnering up to work as outreach for the more content soled groups. Its a nobrainer and not to far away from the funding model as a bigger alt means a bigger them, more revenue – everyone wins.

The fact that they are now linking after each story gives hope.

Built by the social media generation so little real understanding of the open web and limited interest in being part of the open world. Is this an unsolvable problem?


The granddaddy of the current alt/grassroots media, they are a niche publisher of trade union grassroots news. Good content that all the other groups should LINKING to and share BUT CURRENTLY DO NOT, this sums up the issue with current “alt” media.

With a bit of investment they should be at the centre of a OMN




Am going to take a little time to try and help them out if they need/except help.

Radical film network

Has been taken over by a bunch of career building academics. There events have been so pointless that I have never been to one of them, and, I was around at the setup. I have been one of the most prolific radical/alt/grassroots film-makers of the last 20 years its odd that isn’t it, that am alienated from something calling it self “the radical film network”.




Outcome – CHANGE THE NAME to #fashernista film makers / academic career building network

The Media Fund

Grew out of realmedia and share many of its NGO facing. Good and needed project if it can refocus on real media outcomes The 4#opens and the linking of alt-media.


A open “trust” peer to peer standereds based network thats needed.




Still worthwile as a video part of a network but pointless with out this wider linking project.


* “KINDA” project


Why do alt grassroots media fail

Published Date 9/17/17 9:59 AM

Stupid individualism and the visionOntv CJ video templates.

Our templates for video journalism are designed to simplify and empower normal people to make coherent video news pieces using the tools they already have. They are successful at this if people fallow the template’s – it says this at the end of most of them. The issue that creates failure is a standard one for the possibility of an alternative “stupid individualism”.

Our shared western society is based on a hegemonic false senses of individualism, were the reality is largely faceless bland conformity thinly covered by a surface of lifestyle fashion. This is the bases of consumer capitalism our “wealth” is built on. The current world view atomises any possibility of building an alternative and shows up as a block in most attempts to build one. The disparity of wealth on the surface and poverty of the underlying human condition (some more hippy types would call this “spirit”) is striking to many thinking and feeling people.

Our templates boil down more than 30 years of experience of awarded wining fast turn around video journalism to a A4 cartoon sheet. The instructions are clear and complete, if you fallow these, after a few attempts you will likely have mastered the bases of audio visual story telling and from this point of basic mastery opens a whole world of creativity and real genuine “individualism” of the less stupid kind.

Over the last 10-20 years of teaching few actually get this far and we know this because we have trained thousands of citizen journalist over hundreds of workshops at both undercurrents and visionOntv. Why? I would put into view my old friend/foe “stupid individualism” as the explanation (though would admit the are technical challenges as well).

The impotence of the template is more in what it doesn’t say. The is much more information in the omissions, this is how it fits on a A4 with pictures. It distils what does work and explains this. And leves out much that people do by default that dues not work.

Simply, people do not fallow the template, often they do not even pick them up and read them, they then go onto do what THEY think is video making, they do all the bits that the template purposely omits and very few of the bits in them, the result is almost always a dis empowering mess. This is the same outcome with all groups we work with.

We live in an individualist society, were we are all “empowered individuals”. The problem is evident in that this is our empowerment is an almost all an illusion, we are all dis-empowered individuals with egos let lose on dispoling mode. We think we are empowered because everything around us that works is on bureaucratic auto pilot, we don’t actually have to create anything original and lack the base skills to so when the rare option comes round.

Our templates are such a rear opportunity, if you can take your mind out of dispoleing mode and fallow the instructions – the first step and a rare hopeful sign for us as trainers is a budding CJ actually checking the steps on the paper template as they go though the filming.

This is a example of “stupid individualism” a block on many parts of building an alternative.

Some background



The idealogical swing

Published Date 7/27/17 7:30 PM

In the 19th century we had a fight between the conservatives vs fundamentalist liberalism fighting/feeding inhuman industrial growth which lead to a human backlash in the 20th century of social democracy – that is a mediated democracy to push humanan growth (progressive liberalism). The late 20th century neo-libreal (fundamentalist liberals) pushed us back into a 19th century world view which has brought with it the balenceing ideas of conservatism of trump and brixet.

The idea is to do it different. Socialism and ecolagisam spring to mind. If we can bring the progressive liberals back it can open the space for these other world views. If conservatism takes over then we have the revaluation of “communism” as a balance as Neo-liberalism is a inhuman deadend that we should not be repeat.

The conservatives (trump) and the radicals are both pissing on liberals for good resions. Though it might turn out that a renewed progressive liberalism (Corben etc.) might be the best path. Pee in moderation can be a good fertiliser 🙂

For a view of neo-liberal dealing with a political created ecological disaster this podcast is a good direct reminder


Building alt grassroots media networks to challenge the traditional media

Published Date 7/16/17 7:30 PM

Our current groups doing alt/grassroots media are to limited in there idea of what media could/should be. The is either a naivety or a dishonesty to all the current grassroots/alt media. They act and think they can be “big media” with out controlling the distribution of there content in any real way. This is in no way unusual the mainstream media is continually making this very same mistake. All of them rely on the the #dotcons which nowadays is largely the Facebook algorithm for the there content distribution.

Our current grassroots/alt media have web sites so already have one foot in the openweb, but non of their sites prominently link in any meaningful way to each other. They do podcasts so anther foot in the open web, but all their effort for outreach is inside the #silos such as Apple itunes etc. it’s hard to directly blame them, though we should and will, for this sorry state.

So why are we here? On the one hand we have the #fashernista embrace of the #dotcons which most of the current crew built there careers inside. On the other we have the suicidal embrace of #encryptionists complexity and parallel “standardisation” into a pointless/shrinking in to nothingness alt-tech ghetto were our alt-geeks are.

With these issues in mind I have been outreaching to these groups for the last year, and building real working openweb linking tech as part of the #OMN project. This currently is not been getting far past their naivety/self interest/career focused thinking. Fair anufe if that is as far as there imagination/aspiration goes, but this is a clear problem for working alt/progressive/left media that urgently needs to be addressed. I will keep outreaching, if you wont to help with this outreach get in touch.

They link to meany alt-media crews at the end of each story which is nice, but no links on front page yet.

They have no links on the front page to alt media crews. They used to have a linking page inside there site, now I cannot find it? If anyone can find links can they send me a URL please. They are looking like going backwords to a more tredtional 20th centery view of what media is?

They have no links on the front page to other alt-media crews and I cannot find any links inside their site. They have source links in there story’s which is not much of a step. This is a clear a failer in alt/grassroots media turms.