To be song to the diggers song

The Coders Song Lyrics

hummm the video is different version to the lyrics order, but you get the idea

click the link to play in the background then come back to look at the lyrics hummm the video ending is different version to the lyrics , but you get the idea

You noble coders all stand up now, stand up now
You noble coders all stand up now
The openweb to maintain sing dotcons by name
Your codeing does maintain and persons all defame
Stand up now, stand up now

With activertpub and html and CSS stand up now, stand up now
With activertypub and html and CSS , stand up now
Your freedom to uphold sing dotcons are bold
To sack you if they could and rights from you to hold
Stand up now coders all

The lawyers they conjoin stand up now stand up now
The lawyers they conjoin stand up now
To arrest they advise, such fury they devise, the devil in them lies
And hath blinded both their eyes
Stand up now, stand up now

The media they come in stand up now, stand up now
The media they come in stand up now
The media they come in and say it is a sin
That we should now begin our freedom for to win
Stand up now coders all

The venture capitalists are all round stand up now, stand up now
The venture capitalists are all round stand up now
The venture capitalists are all round on each side the are found
Their wisdom so profound to cheat us of our internet
Stand up now stand up now

Your website they pull down stand up now, stand up now
Your website they pull down, stand up now
Your website they pull down to fright your users online
But the venture capitalist must come down, and the people shall host the code
Stand up now coders all

‘Gainst lawyers and ‘gainst media stand up now stand up now
‘Gainst lawyers and ‘gainst media stand up now
For tyrants they are both, even flat against their oath
To grant us they are loathe free networks and standards and FOSS
Stand up now coders all

On the song, feel free to treat it as a first draft, we are taking a long history of “commons” and bridging this time to today’s #openweb reboot with the #fedivers which is also a nativist “commons”.

We have a band that I can try to record the update lyrics for the song, to make this worthwhile we need some #4opens process to decide if this will be used.

Discuss The Grassroots Fediverse organization structure” – is first step a cultural as much as a technical question, this song is about the culture, so we can make “native” technical structures.

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