The use of language and writing by activists has an impact

Published Date 12/11/16 8:50 PM

The use of language and writing by activists has an impact.

Possessiveness “us-them” is a root failing in open structures that cant be avoid, BUT, best not to feed it.

“Bring your flyers, posters, leaflets, newsletters, news clippings, video footage, photographs, banners, artwork and disobedient objects, and display them in the open spaces.”

“your” is possessive the sentence makes just as much sense with out it.

“Bring flyers, posters, leaflets, newsletters, news clippings, video footage, photographs, banners, artwork and disobedient objects, and display them in the open spaces.”

In the second one this is less “us and you” and “one telling the other what to do.”

When working with/in open structures best to just take all the “pointing” words out. Sentences generally work fine with out them.

Just had a “discussion” about this for the expo.


participative facilitation teaches this

participative and inclusive

it needs one facilitator and the goal is that everyone become able to take the facilitator role

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